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Mega Evolutions Megathread: Second Wave! Guide in progress (draft)


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Hello everyone! As you all know, the second wave of Megaevolutions has just been released. As we did with the first post, I wanted to make this guide again but as a new post so as to not flood the first one too much, because it had over 10 pages of comments.


We will colaborate together as players and we can all post screenshots, clues and help so as to find the Megastones for the second wave faster. You can post any rumours, information and proof in video or photo screenshots in this post. 


I will constantly be updating this thread in the following days as people keep finding more and more clues. For now, this thread is just a draft. However, it seems the Investigator in Vermillion Library has some interesting clues 🙂


Good luck, everyone! This guide will be updated daily. Aside from that, I am also working on some other guides I will post in the upcoming days.


So far, the megaevolutions for the Second Wave are:


Mega Garchomp

Mega Beedrill

Mega Ampharos

Mega Altaria

Mega Charizard X

Mega Absol

Mega Lopunny

Mega Glalie

Mega Blaziken

Mega Sceptile

Mega Swampert

Mega Latias

Mega Latios

Mega Salamance



Currently known requirements


You must be the Kanto Champion.

You must bring a pokemon that can Megaevolve, is level 100, OT, fully EV trained and with full happiness.

To megaevolve a pokemon, you ONLY NEED THE POKEMON. No other requirements aside from completing the quests.


The megaevolution quests start in Vermillion Library. Speak to Assistant Theodor, who will request your assistance on Megaevolutions. 


You must show him a pokemon that can Megaevolve, that is your OT (thus, you captured it), and is level 100 at max happiness. It must also be fully EV Trained.


Depending on the Mega, he will be giving you different information! He will entrust you with the Mega Bracelet. You can now start finding Megastones!


Mega Garchomp


(Credits to Rimanmblo#6387) Mega Garchomp's Megastone is kinda confusing to obtain.

Before you begin, you need a Max Happiness, 25+ IV in ATK Garchomp (unconfirmed if it has to be OT or not).

Mega Garchomp's Quest begins in Snowpoint Pokecenter, Sinnoh.

Head to Snowpoint City's Pokecenter and talk to Cynthia. Travel to Celestic Ruins in Celestic Town. Talk to the Grandma and choose the second answer.

The confusing part starts here. Now, travel to Canalave City's Library. Talk to all Bookshelves until one of them provides you with clues. When you've done so, talk to Cynthia in Canalave Library and talk to Professor Rowan in Sandgem Town. He will tell you how to decipher the codes below: 


Now, talk to Cynthia again. Afterwards, go to the place mentioned: it's just below Sendoff Spring (in the original games, this is where you found Giratina, to the eastern exit in the route just below Veilstone City).

Bring your boss team and include Garchomp in it and fight the Tourist.

The tourist's team pokemon are: Garchomp, Sigylph, Golurk, Garchomp (again lol), Cofragrigus and Clefable.

He will give you another part of the puzzle and Cynthia will mention that it always indicates the IV-V part, which means that you will be able to battle Cynthia at 4 to 5 AM in the morning if your Garchomp has full happiness. Step to the left of ther NPC and you will trigger a battle against her.

Her team is the same as in the original games but with a Mega:

Spiritomb, Lucario, Togekiss, Milotic, Roserade, Mega Garchomp.

If you will, you'll earn the Garchomp Megastone.


Mega Beedrill



Mega Beedrill's Quest begins in Bug Catching Contest.


You only need to win the Bug Catching Contest 3 days. It is unspecified if in succession or not, but it is atleast three days as shown in screenshots.


Mega Ampharos



Mega Ampharos' Quest begins in Olivine Lighthouse, Johto.


(Credits to: Kira I Shinota#3449)

Talk to Janine in Olivine City's Lighthouse. Then, talk to the three scientists. You must catch a pokemon with the ability Plus. The best option is to capture a Plusle.

After you find it, give it to the scientist. The other scientist will ask you to capture a pokemon with the ability Minus. Do the same as mentioned above. The best option is to capture a Minun.

The third one asks you to find a really rare pokemon: Zapdos. Go to Route 10 and talk to the trainer in the Power Plant. He will ask you for different pokemon you must find and give:

Give him a Magnemite or one of his evolutions (easily catchable in Power Plant).

Give him a pokemon that is immune to Ground type attacks and is an electric type pokemon.  Tynamo and his evos count, as they are Electric types and have the ability Levitate. You can also submit a Rotom.

Give him a pokemon that is immune to Water type attacks and is an electric type pokemon. You have two options here: Helioptile and his evolution with the ability Dry Skin, or Chinchou and Lanturn with the ability Water Absorb.

Give him a pokemon that is immune to Grass type attacks and is an electric type pokemon. You only have one option here: Blitzle and his evolution with the ability Sap Sipper.

Give him a Dedenne (easily catchable in the route above Power Plant).

Give him a pokemon that is immune to electric type attacks and not a Ground type (Lightning Rod pokemon, such as Electrike, Pikachu, or Volt Absorb pokemon such as Jolteon, Chinchou).

You will now have to defeat his team. You cannot use any Mold Breaker ability pokemon and no Ground type attacks while in the fight.

After you do all of this, you will earn the Mega Ampharos Megastone.



Mega Altaria



Mega Altaria's Quest begins in Sootopolis City.



Talk to the NPC in the house northeast to the Sootopolis Pokecenter, in the top right corner. You only need to bring and show Cottonee or their evo, Mareep or their evos, Maractus, Swirlix or their evos with the move Cotton Guard at max happiness at any level and you will obtain the Mega Altaria Megastone.

You need one of each evo line in your team. They do not need to have your OT.


Mega Charizard X


Mega Charizard X's Quest begins in Cinnabar Lab, Kanto.


To obtain the Mega Charizard X Megastone, you must travel to Kanto's Cinnabar Island. Enter Cinnabar Lab Room 3 and talk to Rual. He will ask you to show him a pure fire type pokemon that knows a flying type move and is at level 60. This move can be obtained through any means, tutor, level up learnset, egg move, preevo, etc. A good option is to teach a fire type the move Aerial Ace through the tutor in Route 16.


Afterwards, he will ask to be shown a Flying type pokemon that knows both a Dragon type move and a Fire type move. The easiest to find is a Pidgey or one of his evolutions, teach it Sunny Day via TM and Twister via level up move (Heat Wave also works as a fire type move). HOWEVER, HIDDEN POWER WILL NOT WORK! This pokemon must also have atleast 60 IVs totaled between Atk, Def, Speed and Spatk.


After you do this, he will now ask for a Dragon type pokemon that you caught (it must be your OT) at level 100 with over 25 IV in either ATK or SPATK with 252 EVs trained in either ATK or SPATK with both the Dragon Dance move and any Fire type move. Your best bet is to get a Dratini with really high Atk / Spatk IV and teach it Dragon Dance and Fire Punch once it's fully evolved to Dragonite (Flamethrower or Fire Blast also works).


Finally, talk to him. He will now battle you, and if you defeat him, you'll earn the Megastone for Mega Charizard X!


Mega Absol


Mega Absol's Quest begins in Hoenn Safari Entrance (just in front of the Building, above Mt Pyre, to the west of Lilycove City).


Credits to Kira as mentioned above in the Ampharos quest. Talk to the NPC in front of the Hoenn Safari to participate in a tournament. You must use three pokemon to fight the NPCs, one of your pokemon must be an Absol with your OT, it MUST NOT be a low level one or have low ATK ivs. The three opponents use:

Richard - Gengar, Bisharp, Alakazam

Nathan - Gliscor, Ferrothorn, Chansey

Isaac - Garchomp, Volcarona, Serperior

Serena - Greninja, Jolteon, Altaria, Meowstic Male, Mega Absol, Clefable.


You can use items in these battles. If you lose, there will be a cooldown to refight them. Defeat all the NPCs and you will earn the Mega Absol Megastone.


Mega Lopunny


Mega Loppuny's Quest begins in Amity Square, Hearthorne City, Sinnoh.


You must bring a Female Lopunny (with yout OT) with Cute Charm, with the moves Charm, Baby-Doll Eyes, Teeter Dance, Sweet Kiss.

Talk to the Shiny Mega Lopunny in Amity Square. Find the three Lopunny hidden all over Sinnoh.

Hidden locations for them;

First one is in Jubilife City's School: it's behind one of the bookcases. Talk to Lopunny in Amity Square and proceed to the next one.

Second is in Mt Coronet Summit: It's above the cave you come out if you try to get the Dig Spots. Talk to Lopunny again.

Third is in Floaroma Meadow, near the Honey House.

Then, go to Amity Square and talk to Lopunny to begin the Beauty Contest.

You must bring your Lopunny to the contest and submit it.


Mega Glalie


Credits to Epik93!


Mega Glalie's Quest begins in Vermillion Library.


Interact with the books inside of the Library in the northeastern bookshelf. One of them will show you clues. The stones you will read now are written in Morse Code, and there are translators available online (or if you're too lazy just follow this guide lmaooo). There are fragments in four locations, but you have to (theoretically) do them in no specific order, until the last one, which is in Shoal Cave. 


Ice Path (Johto) / Seafoam Island (Kanto) / Lake Acuity (Sinnoh) / The last one is the remain ice stone at Shoal Cave (Hoenn)

Now, travel to Ice Path B1F. You must interact with the Big Ice Rock. After you do so, wait 2 PokeTime minutes, and interact with it again. You can reach it under the northernmost hole. Don't do it too early or too late. If this does not work, wait two real life minutes. Just grab an online time counter and do this lol. 24 seconds in real life = 2 poketime minutes,


You must now travel to Seafoam Islands B4F. You need to have a pokemon with the move Flash in their moveset. Enter from the left entrance (from Fuchsia's side). Take the first ladder. Go south and to the right, ignore all ladders and take the last stairs, go and talk to the Regi stone there.


Travel to Lake Acuity. Talk to the second rock on the lake. You need to surf anticlockwise around the entire lake while being just next to the land area, follow the blue line between the lake and the grass. Start from the south, go to the right, up, left, down, until you reach the starting point. If you do it properly, a dialogue will pop up. Use the refresh button sometimes to ensure lag does not teleport you to a different tile. Once you've done one or two full laps around the entire lake, interact with the Regi stone. 


Now you must bring a weak Glalie (its total ivs need to be lower than 70, which means your Glalie must be incredibly bad), place it in the 6th slot of your party and travel to Shoal Cave, low tide (Poketime must be 03:00 to 09:00 or 15:00 to 21:00). 

Finally, travel to Pewter Museum with a full Ice type pokemon team, interact with the NPCs and you will receive the Glalie Megastone!



Mega Blaziken, Mega Swampert and Mega Sceptile



Mega Hoenn Starters' Quest begins in Devon Corporation, Rustboro City.


(Credits to Rimanmblo#6387) To begin the Mega Swampert quest, you must travel to Devon Corporation in Rustboro City (Hoenn). Talk to the Receptionist and then talk to Teseo in the Second Floor. Bring one of the three Hoenn Starters you captured in their initial form.


(This is confusing info but: You can theoretically use an EV trained low level Starter and they will be auto leveled to 50, this is unconfirmed though). Now, Travel to Route 126 Underwater. Head to the north, there is a small passage to the left with a cave entrance. Enter the cave (Cursed Keystone Grotto), cross it and dive out the water. You will find a Scientist.


Talking to him will begin a series of multiple fights where you can teach your Starter pokemon new moves and change its EV spread between each fight. Each Starter has to win six different battles, you have up to 10 chances (unconfirmed) to do it all and after you win all fights you will receive the Megastone for your respective starter.


I copy and paste the following important info from Shizeria:



Bonus info on Hoenn Mega Starter quest~


The number of retries you get for a Pokemon depends on the various stats of your Pokemon:

  • 1 base retry.
  • Every 35 total IV points gives +1 retry, theorically up to +5 at 175 IV total.
  • +1 retry for each of the following achieved: Over 240 happiness, 510 total EVs, level 100.
  • Shiny or special form gives +2 retries.
  • The total amount of retries cannot go below 2 retries.

This means that the theorical maximum amount of retries you can have is 11 retries, although you would more likely reach 7-8 retries with a fully trained good catch. 


You also gain one more retry everytime you win a round. As such, even a bad Pokemon will still be able to benefit from retries if you know the strategy for the first few rounds!


Mega Latias and Mega Latios


Credits to multiple users who helped me!


Mega Latias and Latios Quest begins in Hoenn Weather Center, Hoenn.


You must have previously caught either Latias or Latios prior to beggining this quest.


To begin the Mega Latios and Mega Latias quest, head to the Hoenn Weather Center in the Route to the southwest of Fortree City. You must only have two pokemon in your party and one must know the move Fly. You will fight Latios and Latias and after talking to the professor you will enter a maze. This maze seems to be randomized. It's a trial and error quiz, if you make any mistakes you will have to redo the entire maze. However, the maze does not randomize again if you make a mistake, so you can repeat and write down the correct answers and keep trying.


Once you finish, you'll fight the Lati duo again, and then you will have to fight a Boss with a Volcarona and Mega Gengar and then finally fight Mega Latios and Mega Latias to obtain your Mega Latias and Mega Latios stones.


Credits for the info provided:


Rimanmblo for the two megas above, my entire Alliance and guildmates for providing all the info they find as a team. Also credits to the ones mentioned above!

Edited by Bhimoso
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https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxydK7CUEwL47Ym7hIkMbSA <- Youtube channel with guides!

https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/13-game-guide/ <- Check my game guides (and other's guides) here!

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Very mega. Much wow.



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12 out of 13 megastones have been found and 95% of the info is complete.

Missing info:

What does the second NPC in the Mega Garchomp quest exactly want (fight, puzzle, etc). 4-5 AM to find out and talk to him.

Anything missing in Altaria Quest?

What does the Mega Lopunny exactly need for us to win the contest?

Mega Beedrill consecutive BCC wins or just once?

Mega Glalie has not been found yet. Ideas:


Glalie might be in Shoal Cave in north Mossdeep, like Snorunt was only obtainable there in the original games. Snow places related to Froslass.

Might require a male Snorunt to begin a quest.

Might be related to cold routes/places (Johto Ice Path, Kanto Islands, Hoenn Shoal Cave, Sinnoh Mt Coronet / Snowpoint and routes below).

Might be related to Ice type gyms, trainers, etc.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxydK7CUEwL47Ym7hIkMbSA <- Youtube channel with guides!

https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/13-game-guide/ <- Check my game guides (and other's guides) here!

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3 minutes ago, rimanmblo said:

u can't use a low leveled Absol for Absolitite quest, I tried using my lvl 28 one out with good nature and max speed but I can't. Might be because of Attack IV 7 or the level too low

Edited and added 🙂

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxydK7CUEwL47Ym7hIkMbSA <- Youtube channel with guides!

https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/13-game-guide/ <- Check my game guides (and other's guides) here!

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