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The New Server Not What I Thought...


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120184 Agreed. It doesn't follow most game logic where a server is a direct copy where people can funnel between places when traffic is high. For those who busted for 25+ hours to get where they are, is there any compelling reason to switch servers? At this rate the Red server will always have too many players, then eventually the blue server will have the same issue as people become dedicated there. Then, whatever server follows will have the same issue.


How can other games have account data flow between servers, but not this game?


What game you play have direct copy when switch server?


Almost any online game? Even Runescape 15 years ago allowed you to change servers when one was full. Still does. It's incredibly common in MMO games as well as any other game where you play online. I mean look at Destiny, you're constantly switched to new servers with different users browsing the game world.


The issue is that it seems like much of the character data for this game is tied directly to the server, rather than to a separate player account database. If that were true, it would just be a matter of loading X account into whichever server was least full. I'd imagine if they built it the first way, changing that now and having a dedicated account separate from the servers would be a massive challenge.


You're confusing an "instance" with "server".


A 'server' is the large chunk of data which the game is hosted on, an 'instance' is a chunk of that memory and processes that run on a server (this is what you're thinking of when you're talking about runescapes 'servers' or "worlds" which is just a fancy way of saying instance.) You can have multiple instances running from one large data source (the server) but 2 servers running simultaneously are two separate processes (or data sources) while the two different severs are running copies of the same data they two separate processes. While an instance is a smaller process running from within the server.


Multiple instances require more bandwidth, more bandwidth costs more money, and the more data you have to deal with the harder it is for the dev team to manage it, hence why each server only has one instance.


I have very limited experience working with servers so I could be wrong on some fronts but that's my basic understanding.


[glow=#4682B4]~Even if we painstakingly piece together something lost, it doesn't mean things will ever go back to how they were.~[/glow]

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Alas, it is the way it is so we're just going to have to get used to it.


That said, it is a very strange solution. It would be far simpler in the long run, as well as straight up better in both the long and short term, to have all player saves in a single(eventually distributed) database server which could be loaded from any game server. As already pointed out, this has been the norm for online games for decades. I can only imagine that the idea that the load would have to be distributed across servers down the road did not come up during initial development, and at this point it is more work to change than the devs are willing to take on atm.


Oh well, we could add is a suggestion for the future i guess, though if Quakkz' statement that it "won't happen" is the prevailing mentality, then I wouldn't get my hopes up.

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120697 so there's zero communication between both server ?

like 2 different game ?

Pretty much, one server has its own save-data stored in it and the other has its own. Making a bridge between both is indeed possible, yet not for us, not now atleast. Main reason behind this is the lack of resources we have to present such a feature, other being the amount of data traffic there will be between both servers on a coding and hardware capability level. Imagine if you will; You have picked up a 80 berries from all the crop pots across kanto in blue server, and you decided to switch servers, the last save data of your account in red server will overlap with the one in blue server and it will have to be edited out with the current one, while there is already 1900 data traffic going on continuesly.


On topic : The reason why save datas are seperated is, considering already existing playerbase we had on the server and the ongoing dissatisfaction complaints we got from the new players that they were unable to play, including the increased queue rate on one server. Adding another server that has no save data stored for anyone, will ultimately sway already worked around players that have over 100-200+ hours and give new players more space to play on. Which worked pretty well so far.


...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

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While they were busy with the Blue server they should've kept the registration closed because during the website maintenance when the registration was re-opened somehow, the queue shot up from 400+ to 1093 again and didn't decline since.


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120697 so there's zero communication between both server ?

like 2 different game ?

Pretty much, one server has its own save-data stored in it and the other has its own. Making a bridge between both is indeed possible, yet not for us, not now atleast. Main reason behind this is the lack of resources we have to present such a feature, other being the amount of data traffic there will be between both servers on a coding and hardware capability level. Imagine if you will; You have picked up a 80 berries from all the crop pots across kanto in blue server, and you decided to switch servers, the last save data of your account in red server will overlap with the one in blue server and it will have to be edited out with the current one, while there is already 1900 data traffic going on continuesly.


On topic : The reason why save datas are seperated is, considering already existing playerbase we had on the server and the ongoing dissatisfaction complaints we got from the new players that they were unable to play, including the increased queue rate on one server. Adding another server that has no save data stored for anyone, will ultimately sway already worked around players that have over 100-200+ hours and give new players more space to play on. Which worked pretty well so far.



ok i get that it's just sad to spit the player-base like that

especially for the tread aspect


anyway i hope to see some kind of bridge in the future

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