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Buy a house on PRO (with buyable add-on facilities)


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Just some paragraphs for why I decided to suggest this.


First, I know this is basically a collection with already suggested ideas.

But, here is the plot twist.

I added my own suggestions and improved the previous ideas, then I added them all into one big suggestion.

The main template used for this suggestion is this.

And this has also been suggested here in a more vague way.


Secondly, I know this is a large suggestion and alone could make or break PRO.

PRO could be renowned again with a system that no other Pokemon MMO game has* or it could do just absolutely nothing.

*I am not entirely sure if this is not already a feature elsewhere, so feel free to proclaim this as false below, with proof.


Before you start reading this suggestion...

I just want to say that this might never even be considered.

This is just my own twist to a already suggested idea to just boost the likelihood of it being interesting enough for the community.

Because its such a large feature, I guess the entire PRO playerbase would have to +1 this for it to even be considered.
It's also such a large task that the developers would probably never even consider adding it either, regardless of the popularity it may recieve.

So please keep that in mind when you start reading this suggestion...


1218451924_house1.png.6f8dcc3785963c54b98a58cb7f086e4f.pngBuy your own house on PRO! 221125474_house2.png.ff15fd9a2d3af6313804a636c6dc01e8.png

(Flex your superiority complex like never before!)

In short, be able to buy a house in a fixed location with a pre-made housing template. And you can buy additional facilities.

This house would have a pre-made house template (examples found below), with unique facilities you can buy and add to your bought house.

Some house features:

You can set different visitor status for the house. (A filter with multiple options, e.g friends-only, guild+ friends-only, etc)

[Still thinking about this one] Have different ranks for visitors (Friend, VIP, Co-Owner etc) with different benefits within the house.

[Still thinking about this one] A entire guild could buy a single unique template house, to make it their "homebase" of sorts.

Flex your powers and for the first time have your own location on PRO you can show-off.


How I reached this idea for those interested in that trivial stuff (see the spoiler below)


The first idea, which I later discarded:

Firstly, I thought of having a similar system as the Pearl and Diamond "Underground Base" (customize your own "base").

However, I don't want to kill the current developers with work.

Since I am not an evil monster, just a forum dweller.


And now to my current mixed suggestion:

I was thinking about which games had something similar to this. Then it struck me, GTA V.

If you could upgrade to more floors or even buy extra "facilities", this would allow for a great money-drain.


I will come clean about this, it has some cons:



- Not the smallest and easiest idea to implement.

- Could not attract enough interest to make it functional.

- Could be too harsh on the client or server in the long haul.



Some pros too though:



- A great money-drain

- New exciting content on PRO, that is not a map or event.

- Possibly never seen before feature on a Pokemon MMO game*

*Correct me if I am wrong.

- Allows for those with... cough cough over 200 million to spend some money too on something besides trade.

- This allows new exciting features for both veteran players and newer players alike.

- Could basically give a large guild a new "Homebase" to operate from.

- Be unique, be creative, and go beyond.



Some example house templates + its unique facility options

(These are just some random examples)

These will include some housing templates and some interesting facilities I think would fit with the different housing templates.

There are currently no artwork to make it more appealing.

So hope text is enough to sway your heart for now.


Open the spoiler below for some examples.



Japanese style house
Can buy it as a standalone house with just 1 floor. And upgrade to a 2 story or a 3 story house.

Can also buy extra facilities like the following:

- Bathhouse

- Japanese-shrine

- Outdoor garden


Anime paradise
Can buy it as a standalone house with just 2 floors.

Can also buy extra facilities like the following:

- Bathhouse

- Anime-themed Sleepover room

- Cat cafe? Anyone? Just me? Hope not.

- Movie theatre room

- Outdoor garden.


Meditation House

Can buy it as a standalone house with just 1 floor. And upgrade to a 2 story house.

Can also buy extra facilities like the following:

- Outdoor or inside garden

- Outdoor or inside bath


Common House

Can buy it as a standalone house with just 1 floor. And upgrade to a 2 story or a 3 story house.

Can also buy extra facilities like the following:

- Loft

- Movie theatre room


Farmer's house

Can buy it as a standalone house with just 1 floor. And upgrade to a 2 story or a 3 story house.

Can also buy extra facilities like the following:

- Basement

- Animal housing


Gambling Corner

Can buy it as a standalone house with just 1 floor. And upgrade to a 2 story or a 3 story house.

Can also buy extra facilities like the following:

- Basement

- Secret Room

- Bar


Biker's hangout club

Can buy it as a standalone club with just 2 floors

Can also buy extra facilities like the following:

- Game Room (pool table room or small mini-games)

- Bike Garage

- Bar

- Basement/Storage room


Skyscraper Heaven

(Most expensive)

Can buy it as a standalone Skyscraper with 5 standard floors and an elevator.

Can also buy extra facilities like the following:

- Trading Zone area (able to trade here)

- Battle Zone area (able to battle here),

-Guild Room (accessible to fellow Guild Members)

- Underground train station or a teleportation system.

- Throne Room/Safe (for flexing)

- Pokecenter (disable the trading here)

- Poké Mart/Shopping Center

- Swimming pool (inside)

- Penthouse floor (with an outdoor swimming pool)


Or other interesting facilities fit for a supreme being...


So yeah. If you want to see something like this on PRO.

You better +1 this and tell all your friends and have them also +1 this too.


Do note that this is a suggestion and nothing more.


I accept any constructive critism, but please follow the forum rules at all times.

And I hope that people have suggestions of their own to add to this. So that everyone can participate and improve it.




Edited by Electrocute4u
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+1 😄 

with my knowledge, improving houses adding rooms etc is real hard to make but not impossible. But adding a couple more bed, table, desk, seat, chair etc tiles in different colors, and making them buyable in a npc seller shop is possible and easy to make. 

i see there too many different style houses u want, it can make things complicated to. Categorizing houses by size, not by type is better i think. for example small one like 8x5 tiles, medium one with 12x8 tiles, large one with 20x20 tiles or having 3 rooms inside. having other floors can make things complicated to. because when u enter u spawn to a map already, another floor means another map. 

and if we want this work, it must be on same enterance for every players, like they entering a big building with many apartments. having seperate houses not enough for players and never will be. 

i understand now what u wanted to say in ur comment there 😄 


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Stealing ideas from other Pokemon MMOs will not contribute to PRO
Also it's illogical to bring a content that has been done before and is not liked by players to PRO
An unnecessary workload and waste of time for PRO content team

I am the end of that road you want to arrive

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  • Administrator

This is something that has been suggested already many times and is a -1 from me for the following reasons.

I will give my opinion as Administrator of PRO, but this is just my own personal one and doesn't necessarily reflect the one of DEVs.

A housing system definitely looks appealing from the player perspective, but personally (imho) speaking it looks a really big waste of time from the Staff one and also don't think it would be something really needed or wanted by players.



First of all, it's important to mention that to have a good result we should consider a complete housing system and not a half-baked one with no customization or similar as that would have no sense.

I will anyway do comments about both the issues in the complete and half baked one,.

It' important to say that the way maps/tiles (floor, furniture, trees, etc to make you understand) and NPCs works in a way that doesn't allow a housing system in this moment.

Maps, for the one not being aware of it, are in the first place manually created through the usage of an external client. Also, a single furniture is divided in different parts that are to be placed in different layers.

For example a tree is generally divided in 3/4+ parts where each part is to be placed in 4 different layers manually; sometimes the layers used are different even for the same tile if you need to achieve different results (the water/ground under the water on maps is actually a good example, but not the only one).



[STAFF SIDE] The issues with the Housing System

Giving what has been said above, it is currently not possible to allow a player to manually create a map and manually place a furniture into a map or in general to customize it. Some of the reasons are:

  • DEVs would need:
    • A lot of code-changes and also to create an editor inside the official client of PRO to manage players to place NPC/Tiles(Furniture, floor etc)
    • Need to create an interface that allow users to create a list of allowed people that can enter a house and a way to automatically update the NPC if you want a player-house and not a guild one.
  • ART Team would need to work on tiles, but this most likely will require a further rework from DEVs on how tiles works in game and I am not even sure this is possible
  • CS Team would need to handle the in-game scripting part for what regard all the NPCs. Also NPCs path and rotation are hard-coded value that are customizable by the CS, but this is done through an external editor and this would require an extra work from DEVs again unless you want to have 300 NPC hidden in a map causing lot of lag.
  • MAP Team, if we go for a half-baked Housing System with templates, will have a huge amount of work to do for those templates.

I am sure that there is many many more and the DEVs can definitely expand and mention even more stuff from their end that would make it even many times more cancer than it looks now.

Do take that each of the above stuff would include the entire team of the mentioned role, and therefore would remove time and work from every other aspect of the game (included the most important one).



[GAME SIDE] The issues with the Housing System 

Exactly like the staff side, here on the game side there are as well many issues that I will try to address properly:

  • Amount of Houses
    • Housing system lead to the result of giving everyone the possibility to have their house  and PRO to have due to that over than 20.000+ houses, and this will be definitely not possible to be handled in a comfortable way. Good to consider that if you want extension, and giving that what you described as "outside garden" is literally a second map, it will be like 40.000. If you want a second floor then that's another map and it will be 60.000+ potential and so on.
      • "What if we do it only for guilds?" is what some of you will ask, but the answer will be the fact we have Guild Island and that is the main 'guild feature' that should not lose any appealing.
  • Appealing
    • What would the house/map contains?
      • Definitely and absolutely not hunting places as that would open us to many vulnerabilities in terms of botting and similar;
      • Definitely not money-income sources as that would damage the economy;
      • Tutors? They are on Guild Island.
    • If we make just 2-3 basic templates and therefore no customizable, why would someone get one giving what written here above? It would be just a generic random house like anyone you can find around any region.



PRO Absolutely do not need at all a Housing System and would not benefit at all from it (not staff or community).

There are still really really really a lot of things that PRO lacks or need a rework from specific Staff Team (you can find DEVs here) and all of them are things that will objectively have a higher impact on the game and community in terms of benefit and importance.

Guild Island, with some adjustment currently done by Walross (spawns) does everything necessary a Guild needs.


Asking for such a suggestion to be implemented is the same as asking to put everything else (Astrella/Unova and what will come next, New Themed Pokemon and NPC Sprites for stories, all the DEV To-Do list, all the events, all the CS scripting, etc, etc) on a break for a long long time.


I have tried to be as short as possible but to give the minimum of information needed about it, have a good day o/



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11 minutes ago, Shinohara said:

This is something that has been suggested already many times and is a -1 from me for the following reasons.

I will give my opinion as Administrator of PRO, but this is just my own personal one and doesn't necessarily reflect the one of DEVs.

A housing system definitely looks appealing from the player perspective, but personally (imho) speaking it looks a really big waste of time from the Staff one and also don't think it would be something really needed or wanted by players.



First of all, it's important to mention that to have a good result we should consider a complete housing system and not a half-baked one with no customization or similar as that would have no sense.

I will anyway do comments about both the issues in the complete and half baked one,.

It' important to say that the way maps/tiles (floor, furniture, trees, etc to make you understand) and NPCs works in a way that doesn't allow a housing system in this moment.

Maps, for the one not being aware of it, are in the first place manually created through the usage of an external client. Also, a single furniture is divided in different parts that are to be placed in different layers.

For example a tree is generally divided in 3/4+ parts where each part is to be placed in 4 different layers manually; sometimes the layers used are different even for the same tile if you need to achieve different results (the water/ground under the water on maps is actually a good example, but not the only one).



[STAFF SIDE] The issues with the Housing System

Giving what has been said above, it is currently not possible to allow a player to manually create a map and manually place a furniture into a map or in general to customize it. Some of the reasons are:

  • DEVs would need a lot of code-changes and also to create an editor inside the official client of PRO to manage players to place NPC/Tiles(Furniture, floor etc)
  • DEVs would also need to create an interface that allow users to create a list of allowed people that can enter a house and a way to automatically update the NPC if you want a player-house and not a guild one.
  • ART Team would need to work on other new tiles, but this most likely will require a further rework from DEVs on how tiles works in game and I am not even sure this is possible
  • CS Team would need to handle the in-game scripting part for what regard all the NPCs. Also NPCs path and rotation are hard-coded value that are yes customizable by the CS, but this is done through an external editor and this would require an extra work from DEVs again unless you want to have 300 NPC hidden in a map causing lot of lag.
  • MAP Team, if we go for a half-baked Housing System with templates, will have a huge amount of work to do for those templates.

I am sure that there is many many more and the DEVs can definitely expand and mention even more stuff from their end that would make it even many times more cancer than it looks now.

Do take that each of the above stuff would include the entire team of the mentioned role, and therefore would remove time and work from every other aspect of the game (included the most important one).



[GAME SIDE] The issues with the Housing System 

Exactly like the staff side, here on the game side there are as well many issues that I will try to address properly:

  • Amount of Houses
    • Housing system lead to the result of giving everyone the possibility to have their house  and PRO to have due to that over than 20.000+ houses, and this will be definitely not possible to be handled in a comfortable way. Good to consider that if you want extension, and giving that what you described as "outside garden" is literally a second map, it will be like 40.000. If you want a second floor then that's another map and it will be 60.000+ potential and so on.
      • "What if we do it only for guilds?" is what some of you will ask, but the answer will be the fact we have Guild Island and that is the main 'guild feature' that should not lose any appealing.
  • Appealing
    • What would the house/map contains?
      • Definitely and absolutely not hunting places as that would open us to many vulnerabilities in terms of botting and similar;
      • Definitely not money-income sources as that would damage the economy;
      • Tutors? They are on Guild Island.
    • If we make just 2-3 basic templates and therefore no customizable, why would someone get one giving what written here above? It would be just a generic random house like anyone you can find around any region.



PRO Absolutely do not need at all a Housing System and would not benefit at all from it (not staff or community).

There are still really really really a lot of things that PRO lacks or need a rework from specific Staff Team (you can find DEVs here) and all of them are things that will objectively have a higher impact on the game and community in terms of benefit and importance.

Guild Island, with some adjustment currently done by Walross (spawns) does everything necessary a Guild needs.


Asking for such a suggestion to be implemented is the same as asking to put everything else (Astrella/Unova and what will come next, New Themed Pokemon and NPC Sprites for stories, all the DEV To-Do list, all the events, all the cs scripting, etc, etc) on a break for a long long time.


I have tried to be as short as possible but to give the minimum of information needed about it, have a good day o/



i dont know how to quote part by part but i think there is easy solutions for every negatives you say.

-dont need players to manually create or move objects.
-for mappers, making only 3 different type interior views are enough.
-for scipters, when someone buy a small house, npc generates one small room with the id number 1000001 (2000001 for medium, 3000001 for large) for example. Important thing here, only id will be generated, not a new map adding for every house. every player enters their own house from same spot with their own id number.
-making only one npc to buy house is enough, not 3000.
-working on this, or another thing takes time yes, but can be done in time. always there is something to work on it. and this worthy to be in that list.

-i want to say this to. what a player does in this game when he dominated. we see they leave the game or they try to have rare shinies. for example, what a shiny starter does, even not evolved. gentle nature shiny totodile worth 30m, its just totally useless and trash, but just for being shiny, the people who dominated the game in everyside buy that pokemon and that only stays in box. as we see, players here to have things and this is something new to have and different.

-also with this players are going to be belong somewhere in game. for now, most of people sleep in vermillion pokecenter 🙂 i am sure every player that has enough money to buy a house will buy. and maybe bigger storage system for house, or the new coming categorized storage system should be only for houses. in the house players can do everything they do in pokecenters, also having simple some benefits (dont have to be profitable by economy) are enough to buy.

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  • Administrator
2 hours ago, rhev said:

i dont know how to quote part by part but i think there is easy solutions for every negatives you say.


With all due respect, not a single one of the points you forwarded is a solution for any of the issues forwarded above but you just mention things and claim they are easy or doable while lacking the knowledge about that specific topic.
It just also look you didn't read or misuunderstood as well a lot of things I said.




-dont need players to manually create or move objects.

This was clarified above already. If we make just 2-3 basic templates and therefore no customizable, why would someone get one giving that inside there won't be any tutor, any spawn, any money-income source? It would be just a generic random house everyone has access to... exactly like Vermilion Pokecenter or any other building in PRO.
You could tell me "Oh, but it's my space and there is only me!", if you want to have a generic room like everyone has access to (exactly like said above, as that would be the result), you can just go inside a building and in the console type foreveralone and voilà, you are now the only person in that generic building everyone has access to and it's free!





-for scipters, when someone buy a small house, npc generates one small room

This is not even possible, I was well clear above about how maps (it's one of the first thing I wrote). Our scripters can't create maps/room through scripting and even less create copies of maps (what you call template) already existing through a script and even less place furniture through a script. (script = npc/npc = script).





generates one small room with the id number 1000001 (2000001 for medium, 3000001 for large) for example. Important thing here, only id will be generated, not a new map adding for every house. every player enters their own house from same spot with their own id number.


Most of this lack of a sense, coding speaking, coding speaking. You basically say that you want an NPC to create an ID but you do not generate a new map. After that, to enter your map you have to access your ID. 

Leaving aside the fact that an ID (identifier) must be associated to something, on PRO there is not a way to have 20.000 players access the ""same map"" but not see each other (foreveralone aside).

What you are talking about is a similar system to the dungeon-instance in wow and similar MMORPG, but what you see as "the same map" is actually not the same map. The coding part behind instances long and it would also require a lot of new functions added from DEVs. And here we fall again in the amount of time and focus it would need for something with this that community would not benefit from at all.




--working on this, or another thing takes time yes, but can be done in time. always there is something to work on it. and this worthy to be in that list.

You totally misunderstood the point. This whole project would require tons of tons of work, in a really long time and what would it achieve? Literally nothing.

Once again, I explained it above but let me quote myself again:

  • If we make just 2-3 basic templates and therefore no customizable, why would someone get one giving that inside there won't be any tutor, any spawn, any money-income source? It would be just a generic random house everyone has access to... exactly like Vermilion Pokecenter or any other building in PRO.
    You could tell me "Oh, but it's my space and there is only me!", if you want to have a generic room like everyone has access to (exactly like said above, as that would be the result), you can just go inside a building and in the console type foreveralone and voilà, you are now the only person in that generic building everyone has access to and it's free!

Nothing of this gives community content, as this is not content. Nothing of this gives the player something to do/pass time with (what do you do in an empty house). Nothing of this improves the game in any way where there is something lacking.

You could tell me "Yeah, but it's better having it than not!" and we would maybe agree, but new things will continue to come out one after another that will have a higher preotic than this as this has literally the lowest priority possible, and you would end up having this system coming out in the 2037.


What does community benefit from (content side):

  • Content (New Regions, Quests, etc)
  • PVP Update (moves/abilities coded, reconnect z-moves, visual for room/stat changes, new gen, etc)
  • PVE Update (new pve content in general like it can be a battle frontier, idk there are many examples to make)
  • Quality of Life update (auction house, box/pc rework, event icons, etc)
  • A lot of background updates (layering, pvp elo system, code rework to allow future updates in a more comfortable way, etc)
  • Other stuff that are not in my mind right now in this moment.



-i want to say this to. what a player does in this game when he dominated. we see they leave the game or they try to have rare shinies. for example, what a shiny starter does, even not evolved. gentle nature shiny totodile worth 30m, its just totally useless and trash, but just for being shiny, the people who dominated the game in everyside buy that pokemon and that only stays in box. as we see, players here to have things and this is something new to have and different.


I've never seen someone "dominate", as that is a weird term in the first place. Some people leave cause they think there is no content or prefer to take a pause until the next updates comes out. This is perfectly normal and happens in every game.

You definitely don't fix that by adding a weird system that absolutely gives no content to the player but just a vermilion pokecenter copy (explained this part above) that you even have to pay to access. 


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