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Suggestion for WQ


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Coming from Gold server which just failed the WQ, I'm sure you can guess I'm not very happy about it. I'd like to offer some suggestions in ways that would make this experience a little bit more forgiving in the case that the event does fail. Players as individuals do not have control of whether or not we reach the final goal, which in this scenario was 3.5m IVs. Players were already upset at the previous event that was missed by most (Archen WQ) because the server was crashing non-stop at the release of the event, making it unbearable to participate. The game later came back on at around 4am EST, at which point most players who were wanting to participate had probably gone to sleep or went about their night since the game had been crashing non-stop. Archen quest didnt go so well, so Bidoof event was created as a way to compensate which is great. 


I'd like to begin with a couple of options. Please do not take this as me anything more than suggestions. It is your game after all, I just feel this is a horrible for the longevity of this game.


1st option (current)

WQ rules:

Individual player must reach 0.5% of total IVs - 1 ticket (also includes the 3%)

Reward is only given if the server reaches the 100% goal


The only change I could see that could help this, is simply allowing X pokemon to appear in EARLY routes of ALL regions. Not every player who plays this game has access to somewhere like Sinnoh: route 202 (Bidoof). Had Bidoof spawned in multiple regions, more players could've participated and we probably would have finished the goal. To put it more into perspective, I know players who have 40+ hours and are just now reaching Sinnoh. These players have also rushed within each region, thus it is not the experience of an average player, meaning an average player would likely need more hours to reach Sinnoh.



2nd option

WQ rules:

Individual player must reach 0.5% of total IVs - 1 ticket (also includes the 3% reward)

World reaches 100% of total IVs - X reward of your choice (anything that you guys would consider not being too much of a reward such as 5 rare candies, or 30,000 Pokedollars per player)


This option I feel is the healthier one overall. While I still think it should be with the addition of allowing X pokemon to appear in EARLY routes of ALL regions. This option allows players to reach their 0.5% and have a peace of mind that they will receive their 1 ticket as a reward even if the server does not reach their 100% goal. Players would be happy with their ticket, and if they happen to get an added bonus in extra Pokedollars, rare candies or any other item, then great. Not reaching 100% would not be a big deal, and players would not be upset about their time, effort and pokedollars being wasted for nothing.


Something to keep in mind; If you guys decide to make spawns in every region during events, % per player may need to lower as there should be an influx in players participating in the event. Alternatively, maybe increasing the total IVs needed is also an option if enough players partake in the event.


Hopefully you guys can manage to find a way to continue these events in a healthy style. The events are great. They bring the community together, and I'm sure we all love that, but with such a small community, I do not think it is ideal to have them be so unforgiving. It is a game after all, and games should be about fun and having a good time, not feeling frustrated because we had to work toward a goal that was already unfeasible from the beginning. 





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I like the second idea overall because it would prevent 2 of the major issues of todays world quest:

1> getting nothing if you reach the personnal goal since world quest is not done

2> everyone can do world quest even if still in kanto/johto

The biggest issue with this world quest was players mindset.
They saw 3,5M IV and some gave up. Then other calculated 188 bidoofs average and partly gave up. Then seeing progress was too slow many gave up too because it looked too dire.
Overall this world quest was probably easier than charmander one yesterday in terms of farming time.
Obviously it also had the issue that the poke we had to farm is useless and we could just farm a few togepi / shynx and starly with this world quest.
Still it would have been worth the 2h30 - 3h world farm had enough people taken part for completion.

In my opinion there should be slight changes in world quests to be fair to everyone:

1> World quest duration is exactly one day (so you can go above 100% completion)

2> People doing 0,1% of objective get t1 reward / People doing 0,5% of objective get t2 reward / People doing 3% of objective get t3 reward / People doing 10% objective get t4 reward

3> The t1 / t2 / t3 / t4 rewards change depending if objective is 30% done / 100% done  / 300% done (keeping same reward as currently for 100%, slightly decreased or increased depending on final state of quest)


4> There is a decent spawn for world quest pokemon in every region (can be added just for the day)

This way everyone can farm it whether he is new or not, big farmer or not.
It also makes it fair for people working who can't instantly rush world quest when it's out. Since the quest would be up all day, they can farm it late when they come home.
If the world quest isn't attractive, willing people can still "easily" reach the 30% and get something for their farm


Edited by Aventureur
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The bidoof wq was different from other wq. I think people have invested so much time. Like me myself invest more than 3 hours to catch those bidoofs. I know it wasn’t compulsory to do the quest but we thought we could finish it but even though we didn’t receive any reward I feel all those who tried so hard to complete the event lost so much money because the event wasn’t completed. The traveling costs, the money spent on poke balls, etc. normally we don’t feel bad if the wq didn’t end because there wasn’t much loss that was incurred other than the time.  However this wasn’t the case this time. I think this event was a way to compensate for the server going down again and again and if that was the case I think this shouldn’t be considered as a normal wq. Also bidoof was only available in sinnoh so most people didn’t even participate in the event and to reach 3.5k with that + lack of motivation from many players because of the feel to catch 200 bidoofs approx made them not to do the quest which in turn let us not finish the quest. So therefore even though it wasn’t our fault we who completed the quest had nothing to show for it which I think is really bad since next time if y’all plan an event like this I doubt that everyone would participate thinking it wasn’t worth it the last time.. why should we do it again. ( I saw this written by so many people on silver all chat) while those who didn’t do the quest were already thinking it was stupid to catch so many bidoofs. ( not what I think). I think the event was fun but there were a lot of ivs to finish within a span of 24 hours. That’s why none of the servers could complete the quest.

personally I feel we deserve some reward atleast for those who have completed the quest.

I know there will be some who haven’t done the quest disagree with me but this is just my opinion. This wq was supposed to be an event for fun and had the completely opposite effect on players. 
I think right should be done to players who have completed the quest 

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I think the best is to forget the point that server or world succed… so I think the best is when the wq start she finish 24 hours later so in this 24 hours every player can go talk to a npc which launch for him a chrono whith an certain amount of time like I don’t know 2hours to obtain like  5 vulpix alola… if he can summit at the end of the 2 hours 5 vulpix he obtain the ticket. 
like that each one of us decide when he start and even if ppl don’t do the wq he can succès 

the only problem is the stability of server

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In my opinion wq is completely fine as it is right now.

If you decide to take part in it, you have to consider that it might fail, no one's forcing you to catch those mons, it's your choice. 

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Agree with Dan33 on this one


Option 1 analysis:
Ok sure, leave it the same, WQ takes a random, high tier pokemon, except in this case, it was bidoof, because it was bidoof day. Just because it's a world quest doesn't mean there needs to be a new spawn added on route 1. It's happened sometimes just because the pokemon selected may have only had like 1 area to hunt, so a new one was added. Bidoof already had plenty of huntable areas.


Option 2 anaylsis:
Basically you want to make the world quest a single player quest. Rewarding a player for meeting their own personal IV goal, no matter how much other players do. Completely removing the multiplayer and community aspect of the world quest.


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