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  • Pokemonking44 changed the title to 31spdef 22hp careful halloween larvitar epic AUCTION .

Hi, sorry, just to make clear. i thnk we cant extend auction time when auction already started. Since ur time stamp at tuesday is first time stamp with detail hour, i use this as auction end time (gmt+0 3.00am). and i thnk iam win the auction with 7.8m at gmt+0 2.30 am. and no bid until 3.00 am. (8.1m bid at 3.08 am). please correct me if iam wrong. thnx much.


Edited by Lyn1311







The proper winner of this auction was Alexii after verifying the bid times. @PokemonKING44 I Would highly recommend looking at our auction rules and formats if you are accepting items you need to make sure you place what items and how much they are worth before you receive bids on your auction. They can not be added after the auction has started. Also the only time the auction can be extended is if the bid is in the last 15 minutes of the end time. 


  • Checked/Done 1



Please don't contact staff via private messages for support issues. Make a report here in the server you play in. View our Trade rules and Auction rules.  Appeals if you are banned and need to appeal. Region lock assistance

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