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Sideways.png.c0447c2c9fd55676e3ca9f2775bcdeb8.png     side2.png.6cfe19f7113906ae980ab88005b3a983.png     front.png.d056a10340df76d580c077959c6a175c.png     back.png.08ec5f6401a8f7c339d4c9d8c6364157.png

Most of the Accessories in P.R.O. are at the back and haven't seen a Sideways one.
and usually players do ←a & d→  instead of  ↑w & s↓ when farming so its not always visible. (the motions of WS can also make you dizzy sometimes)
Hope you can add something like this in the future cosmetic releases. 851019279728902184.png.362b3d0c6d3cdbfcb78e34edaff000f9.png

Edited by Jawe


More realistic to have a sheated weapon that goes sideways on your hip. But I guess its more work for the artists and they'll need to amp up their creativity. But I personally hope for more 

comsetics that features a full four-sided display of the item.

 EX Contributor 

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different"

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Hello, the main problem with that is how they are layered. It would look really weird on many mounts cause the mount top layer is above accessories.

There might be some accessories that have no problems with that but the one in your example is really long on side view and would look off.

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