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Hello there!!

are you a new player who just finished the story and doesn't have a boss team?

do you have too many alt accounts and cant doo all bosses?

well I can do them for you 🙂


how does it work?

simple , no need for any Pokemon of your own , i have mine, all you need is kanto league done (minimum).

i will log on to your account , finish 20 bosses for you then log off.


how to pay?

almost all bosses give roughly 30k (estimate) . ill be doing 20 bosses for you , so 20x30,000 is 600k 

the money will be split 60%(you)  to 40% (me). so out of 600k ill take 200k and you keep 400k


NOTICE: i wont take the money right after im done with the bosses , you will log on and trade me the money yourself 🙂

all other boss rewards are ofc kept by you ( also if you have 2 consecutive wins on a certain boss , and i win the 3rd one , pls tell me which mon to pick and weather you want it synced or shiny)



Discord: lifenotdattebayo#1761

ign: Draycex

Please DM me on discord as i dont often check forums , ty

p.s: shop is temporary will close and reopen again after its designed




Edited by DrayceX
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On 10/6/2018 at 6:05 PM, Eaty said:

Exploiting more than 4 allowed accounts in order to gain mass profit or frequently gaining large amounts of income. If someone has quit PRO and gave their account to you, take anything you want at once and stop using it only if you already own 4 accounts. Be aware doing this may trigger a ban in which you will need to appeal and provide proper evidence of the account being given to you.


  • Your appeal will be replied to as soon as the case handling staff member is available. We are all just volunteers with real life responsibilities, other interests and limited free time. Spamming your appeal will not yield a faster reply. Bumps every 24 hours will not(!) increase your chances for a faster reply.


  • Do not contact staff members for private support. Share your question on the forum due to it being of use for others. Please use the proper forum as well. Unsolicited messages will be deleted. Thanks.
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