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Display a print number for shiny


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hello im playing these days to a discord card game where we can drop some card from anime and make some collection and trade with others.

This is how looks the discord card and on these card we can see a print number.

image.png.a1dcb7a50e41bc13d983176497f52748.png  That allow me to know this ho-oh is the 35659 print of this card (the number 1 is the edition but we dont care here).


This things make me think it could be a good things to have  in pro on our shiny pokemon,

it should be displayed somewhere with a "#x"


image.png.5573a6b461874db1cf960ea329962467.png (here a exemple with a random number)



I agree with the fact is not something usefull this is only for collection,

but with that we could make some new value to very low print shiny pokemon (for exemple 1st print shiny charmander, and other cool number like 666) 

ofc it should be retroactive maybe something doable with the caught data.

staff pokemon shouldnt count in print number to be fair with others.


-It could hype some people to hunt when a new pokemon is avaible in pro to have the opportunity to drop the 1st print of new shiny pokemon

and also let you know what is the current number in game for a shiny when you drop it 


- It could be extand to event/pink/form pokemon



thanks for reading me.





The Pinklax Shop



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And it would be even better if the existing shinies also got those.

Edited by Eetaachee
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