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hello i want to report something.. i am sorry if its not in the right place...


today i just finish E4 kanto and go to johto region... after choosing my starter, i try to lvling up a bit at the 1st wild area in johto...

the problem come when the battle freeze, yes only the battle freeze... i still can chat like usual. Since i cant move on from the battle, i try to relogin... and then when i am login, this is what happen to my account...


btw how to upload a picture?? xD



since i dont know how to upload some pic, ill describe it.. after i am login my position at route 29... all screen turn into black except chat box ( i still can chat) and some menu at the bottom left. when i check my bag all my inventory is gone.. and my pokemon party is gone... so pls dear GM , DEV, ADM set me freee.... i feel like inside a blackhole :v


you are in violet now.. did it start working or?


already send the detail to the email that u give me :D

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i played pro theusday then the server was down to improve.

when it's back i could get full update it's stop at 55% so i deleted all the game from my pc and install it again

now i couldnt enter it even the update is done

and this what i get when i try to open it

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i played pro theusday then the server was down to improve.

when it's back i could get full update it's stop at 55% so i deleted all the game from my pc and install it again

now i couldnt enter it even the update is done

and this what i get when i try to open it


i have a problem with client update it wont download and instal latest update and i have latest version 0_81






I had this issue myself last night, the issue may be resolved with the next update, but from what I was told, it's an administrator issue, regardless it should be fixed with the next update.

“Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.”
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A quick note to the auto updater. I downloaded the latest x64 version of the client. Unpacked, tried to launch it. it said there is a new update of ~400kb size.

I downloaded it, and the Updater launched. It jumped immediately to 60% and just froze there for half an hour, doing nothing. I had to force close it form the task manager.

But after that the game was running just fine.

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Guest UnknownUser11
When players disconnect from a Trainer battle, they don't lose the 5% money as they would in a loss. Was it decided to be this way? I know I've mentioned this before, but I just wanted to bring it up again in case it was forgotten. :D


Its correct for now, its commented out in the code until i find the reason of the mysterious once in a while battle freeze.

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