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Disallow Multiple Account WQ Submissions


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As the title says. Treat WQ the same way as leaderboards and don't allow the same player to submit Pokemon with multiple accounts. Its already hard enough to complete as it is.


If this is not a well-fit solution there are other solutions. Staff can decide which of them is best to implement without affecting the game negatively.


- Remove repel tricks during WQs or nerf them significantly

- Remove the total IV goal and just make it a 24 hour event (whoever submits enough of a pre-required number of IVs/number of Pokemon gets a ticket by the end of the 24 hours)


(If needed I will make a separate post for the alternate solutions)


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Iv goal and time limit is good becz we have an aim to reach that iv within the matter of time and if suppose the world quest iv did not reach and it's 24+ hours then everyone will get the ticket let's make the ticket rare not easy

Discord - snappy2687

in-game id - Snappywnl

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I really like the idea of just a straight 24 hour WQ. 


But everything else I feel is necessary at the moment because of the low player count. We've seen gold fail many times so the higher the chances the better imo since wq has to hit 0 to get the ticket

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-doing wq with multiple accounts doesn't give any advantage imo
-not every wq has repel trick and even without repel usually you are able to finish it without problems. 
-i would like to remove the limit for the opposite reason, since sometimes happen that players submit 0.5% but don't get any rewards. till the community end it up fast than 24 hours i don't see any problem with that, aroud 200 player will be happy.

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8 minutes ago, Sale01 said:

-doing wq with multiple accounts doesn't give any advantage imo

If doing it with multiple accounts doesnt give any advantage then all the more reason to disallow it.


8 minutes ago, Sale01 said:

-not every wq has repel trick and even without repel usually you are able to finish it without problems. 

I personally have failed all 3 last WQs. And for all of them I started hunting on time. I failed mainly because players who hunt/repel on multiple accounts keep submitting and it ends so quickly that it doesn't give a chance to other players.



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13 minutes ago, 0danobunaga said:

Try to not refer only silver server and think about gold server(even fail a lot of time if use multiple accounts do world quest). If silver finish WQ fast, you can transfer to gold.

Then all the more reason to remove the limit and make it just a 24h WQ, no?  That way neither silver nor gold will fail and people who submit will be rewarded.


Also what happened to the merge?


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11 minutes ago, Jadeash said:

Then all the more reason to remove the limit and make it just a 24h WQ, no?  That way neither silver nor gold will fail and people who submit will be rewarded

That would just make unlocking the legendries more easy, they should be  rare and also mysterious ticket is an rare item, doing this will reduce its value. Try not to bend the rules according to your convinence please.

Edited by Laplase
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Partly +1, Partly -1

+1 for treating it same as leaderboards during pve competitions like valentine chess.

-1 to removing the total IV goal (more on this later)

I personally think WQ does for sure need a few changes. I always hated the idea of a 2nd ticket, yes it is a lot of effort and takes a lot of time however getting to 3% means you are automatically ruining the chance for 5 other player (technically 6 player sincr you wont ever submit exactly 3%) to get 1 ticket. I personally would love to see the 3% option to be removed.


Another thing that bothers me a lot during WQ is that you will never submit exactly 0.5% and thus screwing other ppl over too. 


Let's take the last Eevee WQ as example:


Total IVs needed: 148,801

Single IVs needed: 744


To reach 0.5% you will need to submit exactly 744 IVs, however you will pretty much never submit exactly 744 IVs - if you submit just even 1 IV more than 744 you automatically screwed the chances of someone else getting the rewards. If everyone would only be able to submit exactly 0.5% it would mean 200 players would be able to get the rewards. 

- a possible solution might be that you submit the needed IVs (744 in this example) and once you reached the treshhold the NPC will remove exactly 744 IVs from the total IVs left. If you submit let's say 755 IVs those 11 IVs will simply not be counted. Implementing this would most likely require the total IVs to be lowered a bit since exactly 200 player would need to contribute (alrdy taking in fact 3% option got removed). This would need some testing to see if its possible to implement - especially heavy testing on gold server since the server struggles a lot with WQ currently.


Now a little comment to the total IVs: The total IVs need to stay and need to be reached in order to finish the WQ. If there is no total goal the world quest wouldn't feel like a community event/world quest at all. However I do feel like if nothing changes then gold server might need slightly lower total IVs in general for now.


Lastly the repelable WQ pkmn: I'm not the biggest fan of WQ which feature pkmn that have a repel trick but on the other hand I think it would be some unnecessary work since you would need to check for each WQ if there is a repel for the pkmn, then disable the repel (sometimes even multiple repels) and then re-enable the repel again once the WQ finished/failed. Removing all repel pkmn as other solution would make the WQ incredibly stale.


I'm pretty sure I missed some more thoughts I had in terms of WQ but those are mostly the important changes imo.

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