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PC Storage Quality of Life Update

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The Idea: The Pokemon storage PC has a single job, to store Pokemon, and it performs that job very well. In the PC there are very limited options and features. Currently you can search through the entire PC and sort with a single box (based on limited criteria). I think this functionality has a lot of room for improvement.

  • Sorting
    • The sorting via box could be expanded to sorting through the whole PC (applying your sorting schema to the boxes with respect to the box number)
    • Additional sorting options could be added such as, but not limited to: Pokedex number, Primary typing (with a "baked-in" ordering), etc.
  • Filtering
    • Current filtering could be expanded to allow for filtering on a wider variety of criteria such as ability, specific move, etc.
  • Pokemon Placement
    • Current Pokemon placement is lenient enough to allow a player to to swap places with another pokemon, only if it is a true swap (no blank space is left between two pokemon). I imagine this is done with reason (maybe to keep boxes from growing in memory, I am not sure). With that being said I think that it is a major quality of life improvement to be able to set mons anywhere within the boxes, assuming this does not introduce a performance problem with the game.
  • Pokemon Marking
    • Within the PC it would be nice to mark pokemon with some notation that either sticks out the the player enough to noticed they don't want to delete that pokemon OR a notation that prohibits the pokemon from being deleted until the mark is removed (exactly the same as Favoriting them)


Benefits: In my opinion, the proposed changes would increase the player experience when handling PC interactions (from player specific box organization to being able to quick find one of your HM users that you keep reassigning because you forget which one was the last one)


Drawbacks: The only drawback I can think of with this proposed change would be server side. At the proposed filtering / sorting changes I believe this could cause an increase in processing time within the PC; however, there are numerous efficient sorting and filtering algorithms available in various modules that could alleviate this concern. Looking at the placement change the issue I could see would be game storage space. Currently it appears that the PC for each player has boxes that have their memory dynamically allocated to allow for minimum storage space required across all players. Implementing this proposed change would, I believe, require the memory to be statically allocated and thus taking a toll on total storage space which would scale by a constant size for every account made.


Effort Required: I believe the effort required for the sorting changes to be implemented / tested would be low - moderate as you could likely add extra logic where the game currently checks for the in-box name sorting (assuming the pokemon data is stored in some format such as JSON, u could just filter by the key that the information falls under). I believe the change to Pokemon placement would require much greater effort as you have to mess with how the game storing player data.


These are but a few changes that I think could benefit the current PC system. Thank you your time.



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