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Ban entry hazard is same ridiculous like ban any no legendary pokemon, any move or ability. Everything can be couter, so if people want ban regenerator ability becouse choise items are not available, why not ban entry hazard if tm defog, wchich couter it is also no available. Anyway I agree with irafayel , nothing should be banned except uber legendaries.


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  YourMomGr said:
193304 i just have to say that banning one poke can change the game's meta so be careful what you guys suggest..if you bann slowbro you will lose one of the best checks to garchomp and talonflame,if you bann blissey you lose a check to rain teams,and if you bann prankster sableye you lose a willowisp poke for dragonite garchomp scizor excadrill or gyarados,tankanine is another good willowisper(the entry hazard part was just ridiculous xD)this is a serious discussion that needs to be done by serious pvp players with the help of the dev and not randomly saying pokes to bann..it took years to smogon to make their game tiers

and just so you know there are more op poke coming soon in pvp..someone will have an epic amoongus with spore an epic speed boost swords dance blaziken and a prankster leech seed whimsicott and that would be the point that meta will change again..just help shane code choice items eviolites etc


^this. This question should be directed to educated players, people who actually pvp a lot and are not biased (wont select poke to ban that counter their own teams). Anyway nothing needs to be banned cept uber legends... Let them be used in normal battles, but ban them from ranked just as they are banned from tournaments.

mLcUOgl - Imgur.png

Good post Gr. We won't be going straight on banning the Pokemon at this juncture. This is more about what is needed to balance out the current ranked battle to make it nice for all the users. We are searching for something that I might have left out when bringing up the issue. I can see from where you are coming from. Myself is a SD champ so you are not left uncertain.


This is the list of basic stuff that I brought up to our developer a while ago.

Moves missing: Protect and Encore

Abilities missing: Magic bounce and Magic Guard.

Items missing; Choice scarf , Choice specs , Choice band , Life orb, Flame Orb, Toxic Orb, Quickclaw and Whiteherb.


Surely with those being implemented our ranked battles would be much nicer with less complaints. We've brought up critical issues on the table, when they will be done it solely depends on shanes schedule. Just making sure that we cover basic suggestion to make ranked battle nice.

As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

Finally Uber Legendaries have been banned. Thank you! Because it has a significant impact on Ranked PvP.


Other than that, in my opinion no need to ban the other Poke except Uber Legendaries because it can change the game's meta itself.

But, if I can suggest for the moves and abilities that need to be banned is the bugged or broken one, like:

1.) Drain Punch, the recovery from the punch is more than 50% or sometimes other punch move has a secondary effect like this move. Evidence:

2.) Outrage, sometimes this move become priority move. Evidence:

3.) and other bugged moves that have an impact on PvP.


• ● ⬤ Proud Family of Chronos! ⬤ ● •

[glow=blue]signature credit to Mieon, check it here[/glow]

  Flint said:
193310 Ban entry hazard is same ridiculous like ban any no legendary pokemon, any move or ability. Everything can be couter, so if people want ban regenerator ability becouse choise items are not available, why not ban entry hazard if tm defog, wchich couter it is also no available. Anyway I agree with irafayel , nothing should be banned except uber legendaries.


because alot of poke have defog as their skill or eggmove, and we have rapid spin also.

First and foremost thank you ever so much @Red for creating this thread :)


This topic is exactly what's been lacking all this time with respect to PvP.


I fully agree with the list of moves suggested by daenerys.

Outrage and Drain Punch should be banned.


With regards to banning pokemon, at this moment in time there is a counter to every ranked viable pokemon.


Edit: Just a suggestion, if multiple debates do end up getting cluttered here, maybe we can open up a thread for that one specific discussion? And possibly create a 'public' vote on the issue, where we can see names of the voters - not sure if that is possible on the forum.

  YourMomGr said:
193304 i just have to say that banning one poke can change the game's meta so be careful what you guys suggest..if you bann slowbro you will lose one of the best checks to garchomp and talonflame,if you bann blissey you lose a check to rain teams,and if you bann prankster sableye you lose a willowisp poke for dragonite garchomp scizor excadrill or gyarados,tankanine is another good willowisper(the entry hazard part was just ridiculous xD)this is a serious discussion that needs to be done by serious pvp players with the help of the dev and not randomly saying pokes to bann..it took years to smogon to make their game tiers

and just so you know there are more op poke coming soon in pvp..someone will have an epic amoongus with spore an epic speed boost swords dance blaziken and a prankster leech seed whimsicott and that would be the point that meta will change again..just help shane code choice items eviolites etc


i dont suggest to ban slowbro, i suggest to ban regenerator. since you can still counter talon with own tempo or oblivious slowbro right? the problem is its ability not the carrier.

Did i really just see someone requesting to ban choice band staraptor ? ok lol look, staraptor isnt even that big of a deal and it seats in a weird tier atm because its too good for UU and its complete horse**it for OU. choice band reckless can put work but its easily checked and smoked.

And the games that i have played on this ladder has made me believe that the meta of PRO currently consists of mainly OU mons with UU or various underrated utility mons as fillers (milotic etc) and the ladder is way too fat, every 2nd or 3rd team is bulky offense or hard stall and lack of species clause and sleep clause does not help this at all. I agree with gr and irafayel about no unnecessary bans but hear me out for once.


Clauses/rules in PVP is very important and official pokemon competitive scene and smogon have then for a reason and PRO does not have any clause.

With the intro of choice band, specs and many destructive and great items, not having these clauses will hurt the scene a lot.

Sleep is actually one of the powerful status in game just below t-wave, it gives you dead turns, 1 free turn of setup for the poke and gives insane momentum to the opposition. Lack of sleep clause tends me to suggest that pokes that abuse sleep clause need close attention and possible restriction or ban. For example: Venusaur (altho its countered), breloom (this is troublesome, free swords dance and technician sweep abuse), amoonguss (now this, boys this will be worry-some, regenerator, free spore, great wall, this can be trouble if paired with a choice mon or a sweeper for a free setup).

Overall all i am saying is pokemons that get access to spore mainly or can abuse sleep effectively need to be checked by rules or restricted use until some rules are made.


Also after all these said items are implemented, lack of species clause will be a pain since choice band or choice specs make any usable mon a terrifying offensive presence and scarf makes superior level revenge killers and multiple of the same band or specs mons can lead to annihilation. Also no one would like to see 2-3x chansey after eviolite on a team and multiple of the same mon really hurt the essence of a metagame.


Sorry for the long block of text, but my point being Red and other staff and players, some rules or clauses regarding sleep and species mainly need to be implemented beforehand unless many mons will catch the suspect or ban eye and meta will centralize in a bad position.

With these items, proper measures to reduce abuse needs to be done.

@aman are you currently playing ranked? You know your stuffs.


I agree with the battle clauses, it's been brought up many times before but nothing yet done about it.

Although the top 25 usually abide by these rules anyways [sleep, species, OHKO]


In the current PRO-Meta nothing bar Skarmory can take a thrashing from Sharp Beak/Silk Scarf Reckless Staraptor...with a Choice Band? :boot:

People rarely use Skarmory, no Shed Shell.

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