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Ranked PvP Rules.


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The only Pokemon that I know of that can learn Baton Pass + Dragon Dance is a Smeargle. If Scizor buffed Agility in addition to Swords Dance you are not allowed to baton pass it to any Pokemon in your party.



OK thank you but there is so much ridiculous rule created by smogon/showdown that only spoil the pokemon games...but now shows me this rule even in official games pokémon...

if not able to show me this rule an official link will be even more reason not to make pvp in pro..

showdown fan-made, smogon fan-made, pokemondb fan-made, psypokes fan-made, bulbapedia fan-made etc... all fan-mde...

but also as they want by rules that no tiers in pro? honestly a bit controversial that...

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Guest YourMomGr
288811 can i use move stockpile Whirlpool ?

as for now,

stockpile is a bannable move, while whirlpool isn't.

why havent you put swagger in the bugged list?its been at least 15days since i reported this

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288543 OK thank you but there is so much ridiculous rule created by smogon/showdown that only spoil the pokemon games...but now shows me this rule even in official games pokémon...

if not able to show me this rule an official link will be even more reason not to make pvp in pro..

showdown fan-made, smogon fan-made, pokemondb fan-made, psypokes fan-made, bulbapedia fan-made etc... all fan-mde...

but also as they want by rules that no tiers in pro? honestly a bit controversial that...

PRO pvp rules tend to follow Smogon's one since those are the most viable for pvp and the most popular. Those rules allow users to have a large panel of choices for their teams while Nintendo rules aren't balanced at all.


When you live amongst the stars, you lose sight on what is happening on the ground


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You can only have one pokemon with the move baton pass on a team. And that pokemon can only baton pass one stat at a time. So a Speed Boost pokemon cannot also baton pass Swords Dance.

B.P clause is: You can not b.p speed w. another stats. You can pass all other stats together..

So feel free to b.p your bulk up/calm mind.. buff :D

And I support the idea that we should follow Smogon rules..


Special thanks for Kyuuta for making this awesome sign.

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You can only have one pokemon with the move baton pass on a team. And that pokemon can only baton pass one stat at a time. So a Speed Boost pokemon cannot also baton pass Swords Dance.

B.P clause is: You can not b.p speed w. another stats. You can pass all other stats together..

So feel free to b.p your bulk up/calm mind.. buff :D

And I support the idea that we should follow Smogon rules..

Basically what I was getting at.

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289062 Sure, if they ban Shadow Tag as well.


255430 Ban Gothitelle Shadow Tag can be a good idea no ? it's so annoying and it's ban in "Official pokemon pvp" no ?


247939 For Gothitelle, it is a bit different. Its stats are average and it is really slow. But it has no counter. Let me remind that a counter is a pokemon which is able to switch on the pokemon, stomach at least one attack on the switch-in and retaliate by killing it or forcing it out. For example, Weavile is not a counter to Garchomp since it cannot switch on its Earthquake or Outrage. It's only a revenge killer or, at best, a check to Chomp.


Since shadow tag prevent you from switching, well... you cannot counter it and it demolishs stall teams by getting +6 with Calm mind and before ripping the team appart. Personnaly, i hate stalls team, i truly do. It annoys me to no end everytime i have an 1 hour battle full of roost/defog/heal beal/etc... so i should be happy that Goth can deter people from using stall. Of course, Goth is not that strong against offense/hyper-offense team. But objectively, a pokemon which is powerful enough to deny an entire playstyle (stall) should be suspected, just as smogon did.


245794 So can we finally ban gothitelle? Yes its beatable, so is megagengar with the right counter, still its consider as uber. The point isnt if its beatable or not, the question is by how many pokes in the metagame it can be stopped. Fact is gothitelle has an extra easy set up due shadow tag, cause shadow tag itself is broken, not gothitelle. It cant be the point that you have to build your whole team around one pokemon, otherwise it can easily sweep your whole team without any skill involved. And yeah i know there gonna be some butthurt comments of kids abusing this [Censored] atm for some easy rating, still whoever really put effort into considering why this thing is broken should know by now why it is banworthy.






It is banned in regular Pokemon rules


200777 Shadow Tag really should be banned as well ;)


288906 Why Gothielle Shadow Tag is not banned ? that pokemon is practicly an auto-win button...


288179 Here is my list of 'baneable pokes/items' present or future:

.- Protean Greninja

.- Shadow Tag


219448 Please ban Pokemon with Shadow Tag ability, thanks.

(Gothita, Shadowtag)

Also, can UBERS be banned too.


216404 I don't undertand, why shadow tag still isn't banned, this ability havent any counterplay, maybe if you use mega evolutions and legendary pokemons, but already you can use h.a gothita and killing enemy pokemons winought any consequences. You kill one pokemon, next make switch and wait for another pokemon easy to kill and another...


207652 Well I think the most scary mon is shadow tag cause no team pre view you'll never see it coming impossible to play around


205838 The problem with shadow tag is that you can't play around it unless you know who is using it. I myself am keeping list of players that use it so when I face them I have a plan. Without team preview shadow tag is even stronger than usual. I've never lost to shadow tag yet and once I know who uses it its even easier. But I do agree that a very skilled player would have big advantage.


205829 Shadow tag is game breaking.

Gothitelle destroy balance and stall team.


If u don't have physical attaker who can hit super efficiency with stab u have loose. And if u have one, Gothitelle can switch out (after he realized a kill of course ) (and pursuit isn’t code yet ) and switch in later in the game for trap and kill an other pokemon.


Ok gothitelle will destroy all the defensive pokemon, after this we will see only hyper offense team, this is not bad things but this is not the solution.

And as I can read previously, if someone spends time to hunt a pokemon or a teams to finally realized that gothitelle destroy all his team, this can be really frustrating and game breaking.


This game need to be balance, stall, balance and offense teams need to have a place in the meta.

Gothitelle destroy 2 of them, that is why it must be banned.


Slowbro and Blissey are very annoying but dont reduce the meta. A good built team can destroy them.

The meta is actually annoying because most players do not try to counter Slowbro and Blissey, but prefer play easy in using them in their team. But as I say previously its easy to counter these two pokemon, for example Breloom can perfectly conter both. However I can say that I see very little Brellom which is really strange seen that meta is full of Slowbro and Blissey.


205690 If you have some time to read why shadow tag is broken : https://www.smogon.com/articles/ou-suspect-sableye-shadow-tag


I can't quotes everyone's comments about Shadow Tag, because its just too much, you can search it on search bar about Shadow Tag and Gothitelle being banned, i found more than 100 post about that. You can check that here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/search.php?keywords=shadow+tag&t=33054&sf=msgonly and https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/search.php?keywords=shadow+tag&t=34240&sf=msgonly. Hopefully all quotes above is enough to make Shadow Tag banned from Ladder PvP.

In my opinion, Shadow Tag should be banned, its not all about how many counters or weakness that this Pokemon has, because we battle not only using 1 vs 1 Pokemon, we battle with 6 vs 6 Pokemon, so this Pokemon weakness can be covered with other Pokemon, so yeah, dont talk about counters because every Pokemon has their own weakness.

I will sum up in here why Shadow Tag should be banned because:

1. This game lack of team preview. We don't have team preview which is making this Pokemon being unpredictable and yes this can give this Pokemon free win almost againts all spatck/ balance/ stall Pokemon.

2. Since shadow tag prevent you from switching, well.. you cannot counter it and it demolish stall teams by getting +6 with Calm mind and before ripping the team apart.

3. We don't have complete items, abilities, movesets also Pokemon yet. E.g. pursuit/ life orb/ etc, so hard to one-KO this Pokemon.

4. Popular Pokemon Battle Simulator, Showdown, has their reason to ban this Pokemon, you can check it here: https://www.smogon.com/articles/ou-suspect-sableye-shadow-tag.

5. Its just not fun spamming calm mind and rest, repeat it over and over again to buff and other side cant do anything about this, with more than 10-20 turns to set this buff.

6. PvP become not competitive anymore because we allowed this broken ability in ladder

7. Its not about banning Shadow Tag can change the meta of the game or systems or other reason, hopefully ladder tier is coming soon, so everyone who already has this Pokemon not becoming useless because they still can use this Pokemon in Uber tier.


Anyways, this is just my opinion and reason about this ability. I'm sorry if i said something wrong, just wanna make PvP environment become competitive. Thank you ^^


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[glow=blue]signature credit to Mieon, check it here[/glow]

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