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Ranked PvP Rules.


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287281 I'd like to know if roost is bugged, my togekiss used roost, after that was attacked by 'Ice beam' and it was supper effective, why is that?

If the Ice Beam hit your Togekiss before you used Roost on the same turn then it is supposed to be super effective. If you used Roost at the end of a turn then got hit with an Ice Beam on the beginning of the next turn the it's supposed to be super effective. May I ask which pokemon used Ice Beam against you?

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287281 I'd like to know if roost is bugged, my togekiss used roost, after that was attacked by 'Ice beam' and it was supper effective, why is that?

If the Ice Beam hit your Togekiss before you used Roost on the same turn then it is supposed to be super effective. If you used Roost at the end of a turn then got hit with an Ice Beam on the beginning of the next turn the it's supposed to be super effective. May I ask which pokemon used Ice Beam against you?

cloyster, but yea i used roost, then he switched in and attacked, i didnt know it removes the flying just for the same turn, thanks for that info.

Big thanks to Auras for that sig!



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287281 I'd like to know if roost is bugged, my togekiss used roost, after that was attacked by 'Ice beam' and it was supper effective, why is that?

If the Ice Beam hit your Togekiss before you used Roost on the same turn then it is supposed to be super effective. If you used Roost at the end of a turn then got hit with an Ice Beam on the beginning of the next turn the it's supposed to be super effective. May I ask which pokemon used Ice Beam against you?

cloyster, but yea i used roost, then he switched in and attacked, i didnt know it removes the flying just for the same turn, thanks for that info.

You're welcome. I'm glad this was cleared up for you. ^^

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287978 Is there an admin or mod i can talk to, someone is cheating on Pvp Ranked. When his pokemons are about to die he switches out and when he switches back it has 95% hp again, i've hear of tangrowth and slowbrow having regeneration for ability but what about dragonite ?


Did you make sure he didn't just have a second dragonite? Or used drain punch?


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200311 9. Baton pass clause : A pokemon cannot pass Speed and another stat simultaenously, limited to only one baton passer per team.

Added this rule today


When you live amongst the stars, you lose sight on what is happening on the ground


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper

forum. Unsolicited messages will be eaten. Thanks.

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200311 9. Baton pass clause : A pokemon cannot pass Speed and another stat simultaenously, limited to only one baton passer per team.

Added this rule today



what is this rule for? who the hell would risk to lose a game cuz of a bugged move + what does this mean? so e.g no speed/atk batonpass?

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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200311 9. Baton pass clause : A pokemon cannot pass Speed and another stat simultaenously, limited to only one baton passer per team.

Added this rule today



what is this rule for? who the hell would risk to lose a game cuz of a bugged move + what does this mean? so e.g no speed/atk batonpass?

You can only have one pokemon with the move baton pass on a team. And that pokemon can only baton pass one stat at a time. So a Speed Boost pokemon cannot also baton pass Swords Dance.

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