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Power Shift to Buyer from Sellers in Trade Auctions

Guest LiquidSnakeK


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Guest LiquidSnakeK

[glow=red][/glow]So the reason I'm posting this is because I'm starting to see more and more sellers on their personal shops/auctions start adding UNREASONABLE "Rules" that basically shift all power to them period. No questions and no protests. (I am not going to name any people specifically, simply go look at top sellers in shops or the individual sales for trades if you want to see what I mean).


Why is the seller allowed to create his own rules for trades? Leaving open gray areas, or completely shifting power into his own hands regardless of whatever standards PRO has in place in game? For instance: I have a shop up, and I lay down as a rule "#1: I proclaim that it is my right TO CHANGE an Insta price MID AUCTION, It is my right to CHANGE the auction prices on pokes EVEN MID AUCTION."


While simultaneously saying that the BUYER CANNOT retract a bid, and that they will be seriously punished for doing so.


For starters, allowing players to create their own ridiculous rules is in and of itself absurd. Secondly, suggesting that if I don't like that specific players rules, I can go to another auction. That is subjective and biased towards a SELLERS viewpoint.


I am suggesting that the ADMINS or Whoever is in charge of setting rules on the forums and in game create a clause that will set a precedent for Sellers to ASSURE that both the BUYER and the SELLER are on even ground when it comes to negotiation. Having one of the rules I just listed above would basically make it so that if from a SELLERS standpoint if I decide to change my insta WHILE SOMEONE offers me an INSTA Buyout, It would leave me as THE SELLER immune to any form of punishment. Even though in game if someone states an INSTA and you offer said price, they are obligated to sell it to you even if SOMEONE OFFERS MORE.


Of course an auction house would solve the nonsense that some of these players are creating within their own shop rules. However in the meantime I seriously suggest that something be put in place to prevent SELLERS from having so much ABSOLUTE power within their "own rules". We as buyers are forced to abide by their rules where the SELLER has no obligation to the BUYER. Its ludicrous.


I would like to hear other players opinions and perhaps a GM or someone of the like can shed some light on what they intend to do or not to do about the situation. Keep in mind this is merely a suggestion.


[glow=red]TL;DR[/glow] - [glow=red]Sellers on forum shops/individual sale threads have TOO MUCH power and BUYERS have absolutely no say in the matter, and something should be done to prevent such an imbalance.[/glow]


Thanks for reading. (if you did read lol)

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Guest SugarRed9



I've personally stopped using forum shops because it is ridiculous. The sellers can just edit and change and accuse you of whatever. And if you don't have screenshots you are donezo. This is a great and needed suggestion.

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I'm pretty sure that regardless of their own rules, PRO rules come first, if they do something and their rules contradict PRO rules, the buyer should still report them all the same.


I'd always suggest screenshots though to log in case someone tries anything, programs such as Puush make screenshots fast to take and easy to link in the forums to report someone.


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Guest LiquidSnakeK
248376 I'm pretty sure that regardless of their own rules, PRO rules come first, if they do something and their rules contradict PRO rules, the buyer should still report them all the same.


I'd always suggest screenshots though to log in case someone tries anything, programs such as Puush make screenshots fast to take and easy to link in the forums to report someone.


If that's the case even having these rules listed in their shops should be punishable by default. Since #1 its misleading. #2 Its against the actual PRO rules, if it is to begin with.

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Wouldnt mind some official rules. I think it would make it more fair and comparable for everyone. Some rules i would like to see:

- in what time period of the auction are u allowed to set an insta and how it has to be set (a new reply has its own time code)

- does an auction with a fixed start price begin with the offer or once the seller saw the offer?

- end time should always be a specific time consisting of date, time, timezone like 24.08.2016, 11:00, UTC+2 and not x hours to go in an edited post

- are u allowed to sell a pokemon of a running forum auction ingame with different rules?

- what is a legitimate reason for reporting a seller or a buyer (if a seller can cancel the auction, why shouldnt it be allowed for the buyer before the auction has ended)

- a trade should always be proven with a screenshot, if its offered on the forum



Imo ingame trades arent an issue because u have the pm as proof

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Guest LiquidSnakeK

- what is a legitimate reason for reporting a seller or a buyer (if a seller can cancel the auction, why shouldnt it be allowed for the buyer before the auction has ended)


This exactly ^^ Why is a SELLER allowed to cancel his sale AT ANY TIME even during MID AUCTION but a BUYER is not allowed to do so? Makes absolutely no sense that they are allowed to create these rules for themselves.

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248364 [glow=red][/glow]So the reason I'm posting this is because I'm starting to see more and more sellers on their personal shops/auctions start adding UNREASONABLE "Rules" that basically shift all power to them period. No questions and no protests. (I am not going to name any people specifically, simply go look at top sellers in shops or the individual sales for trades if you want to see what I mean).


Why is the seller allowed to create his own rules for trades? Leaving open gray areas, or completely shifting power into his own hands regardless of whatever standards PRO has in place in game? For instance: I have a shop up, and I lay down as a rule "#1: I proclaim that it is my right TO CHANGE an Insta price MID AUCTION, It is my right to CHANGE the auction prices on pokes EVEN MID AUCTION."


While simultaneously saying that the BUYER CANNOT retract a bid, and that they will be seriously punished for doing so.


For starters, allowing players to create their own ridiculous rules is in and of itself absurd. Secondly, suggesting that if I don't like that specific players rules, I can go to another auction. That is subjective and biased towards a SELLERS viewpoint.


I am suggesting that the ADMINS or Whoever is in charge of setting rules on the forums and in game create a clause that will set a precedent for Sellers to ASSURE that both the BUYER and the SELLER are on even ground when it comes to negotiation. Having one of the rules I just listed above would basically make it so that if from a SELLERS standpoint if I decide to change my insta WHILE SOMEONE offers me an INSTA Buyout, It would leave me as THE SELLER immune to any form of punishment. Even though in game if someone states an INSTA and you offer said price, they are obligated to sell it to you even if SOMEONE OFFERS MORE.


Of course an auction house would solve the nonsense that some of these players are creating within their own shop rules. However in the meantime I seriously suggest that something be put in place to prevent SELLERS from having so much ABSOLUTE power within their "own rules". We as buyers are forced to abide by their rules where the SELLER has no obligation to the BUYER. Its ludicrous.


I would like to hear other players opinions and perhaps a GM or someone of the like can shed some light on what they intend to do or not to do about the situation. Keep in mind this is merely a suggestion.


[glow=red]TL;DR[/glow] - [glow=red]Sellers on forum shops/individual sale threads have TOO MUCH power and BUYERS have absolutely no say in the matter, and something should be done to prevent such an imbalance.[/glow]


Thanks for reading. (if you did read lol)


I agree with everything you wrote.


Atm, sellers have tremendous power for the reasons above mentionned. I can comprehend that giving sellers some advantages is necessary in order to deter trolls/scammers/fakers from ruining their business but this is too much imo.


I just want to give an example to illustrate how ridiculous it can be:


- Player A wants to buy a Charizard and has 700k budget.

- Player B sell a good Charizard and asks for offer.

- Player A offers 650K, player B says "ok, you are b.o, 24h left"

- During these 24 hours, player A found another good Charizard for 550K insta but cannot buy it since player B will report him for fake b.o if he cancels his offer, even if he has good reasons to do it

- At the end of the bid, player B will refuse player A offer, stating that "your b.o is too low, so i don't want to sell it anymore"


Conclusion : Player A is screwed, lost an opportunity to buy another Charizard, lost 24 hours waiting for nothing and cannot complain because "sellers have absolute rights on their pokemon and are free to cancel a bid without explanation at anytime".


[glow=green]Katie Ledecky doesn't break records, she sets them[/glow]

[glow=green]~L'élégance, la science, la violence~[/glow]<i></i>

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Guest LiquidSnakeK


I just want to give an example to illustrate how ridiculous it can be:


- Player A wants to buy a Charizard and has 700k budget.

- Player B sell a good Charizard and asks for offer.

- Player A offers 650K, player B says "ok, you are b.o, 24h left"

- During these 24 hours, player A found another good Charizard for 550K insta but cannot buy it since player B will report him for fake b.o if he cancels his offer, even if he has good reasons to do it

- At the end of the bid, player B will refuse player A offer, stating that "your b.o is too low, so i don't want to sell it anymore"


This is literally the perfect example of the amount of POWER that sellers have and the imbalance in trading currently. As it stands, buyers are at the mercy of what ever "RULES" a seller makes. I've seen so many different variations of ridiculous rules that sellers make on their threads. To have the power to simply make a buyer wait for sometimes longer than 24 hours, just to come back and say "You're offer too low and I'm canceling this auction" is absolute insanity.


Now I know that a lot of trouble can come from a rule set to allow buyers back out of an auction. Since it would then leave a Seller in an awkward position. However perhaps establishing a threshold to which a SELLER and BUYER CANNOT retract a SALE or a PURCHASE would possibly solve this. Having a rules set so that buyers MUST state an insta from the start of the auction, instead of stating that an insta will be added at some arbitrary time would leave the BUYERS in a position where their time would not be wasted.

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I completely agree.

Some Shop rules are insane.

They probably think they are Kim Jong Un.


I find unacceptable that people can say no after accept an offer as "BO". If you don't like the offer, you say no in the first place. But when you say "you have the BO", then I have the BO.

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