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You would think my username would give you that answer, but no, sadly pichu is my second favorite. My favorite pokemon is Lugia, due to silver being my first pokemon game, and pokemon 2000, being my first pokemon movie.





Fearow will always be my favorite pokemon. Back in the days of gold and silver there was a mail quest where you had to carry a spearow holding a letter from Goldenrod all the way past Violet. I was very young at the time and wanted to see if I gave the letter to my teddiursa would the NPC that received the letter take it. He did take the letter, along with my teddiursa. I had the Spearow intended for him. I felt so bad. I had just stolen some NPCs pokemon. Younger me made a promise to take care and raise that spearow since I couldn't give it back. It became the first pokemon I ever leveled to 100, actually created an emotional bond to, and slowly over the course of my playthrough became my favorite pokemon. Fearow is loyal, loving when tame, fierce, and deadly. It is the demon bird of the skies and my true partner pokemon through Johto <3 fearow forever.

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