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I would like to start off with... HAPPY NEW YEAR!... *here comes G0LD3N's PRO story* I joined in April, not knowing what PRO will be like, then when i spent all my money on pokeballs for a Rattata quest, then I gave up *now when I look at my Shiny Rattata, I'm traumatized* ANYWAYS. Two months later (June), I came back and I was addicted :confused:. Six months later (today) I've realized that I've done a lot online and offline, in which I will share out some of the memorable things I've done online and/or offline of 2016, [glow=red]I encourage you to do it as well (it can be funny or serious, mine will be a little bit of both),[/glow] Anyways, here's my list:



- I came back to PRO with no money *curse you Rattata quest*

- Continued PRO, and got lost in the Viridian Maze *very spooky*

- Went to Oregon for my vacation

- Hiked 10 miles to go above a waterfall in Orgeon :confused:

- Continued playing PRO, beating Kanto and Johto

- Was too lazy to do the Hoenn story line X.X

- Sucked into the wonders of anime o.o

- Harambe?


- Found a new word to add to my vocab list [glow=red]"triggered"[/glow]

- 7th gen was revealed, as well as new forms #Giraffecutor

- Eskimoshrew, along with Alolan Ninetales <3

- Kept dying from Pokemon Sun and Moon spoilers

- Mimikyu?


- Finished the Hoenn storyline in PRO *finally*

- Hunted Slowpoke

- Seven boxes full of Slowpoke. I gave up.

- Six boxes of Magikarp and five boxes of Poliwag

- I got a couple of good Poliwags and Magikarp

- Found out that Splash is equivalent to an earthquake in real life *totally*

- Joined a guild called "Death Note"

- Became an Admin in Death Note

- Watched more anime

- One of the things in my stocking was a "Lump of Coal" hand sanitizer

- Started to be active on the PRO forums

If you read through all of this. You're a champ. Hope you have a great year. Yay. :y:



Hours Played: 1000+ hours | Guild: | Server: Silver | Discord Tag: Golden#2746

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  G0LD3N said:
329596 *whoops* can someone move this to "General Off Topic" sorry about that. :confused:

[glow=red]Moved as requested[/glow]


Happy new year G0LD3N :D




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