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353930 Aw man, a mew, be carefull :Shocked:


Better thing you can do is wait a staffer, the most online of them are Shamac, Kagawa, PreHax, Reikou.

PreHax isn't a staff just someone extremely knowledgeable and helpful xD

exactly :y: also gl getting your mew back mate

353913 So, I was cleaning my box and accidentaly released my mew long time ago, but still got the screen of the ID,



if its possible to do anything about of getting him back, that would be great!!!


it wasnt so good, but i liked him alot :D




Hello buyshinynair,


I am really sorry for the inconvenience but please be careful with releasing your pokemon (there is even a check).

About your case, I am not sure how they handle things now with the ID seen on the pokemon but Shane said in another thread that they clean the database of released pokemon to get some space



So not sure how they will handle your case now but you have to wait for Daeon(half inactive), Red or (Shane) to come online to check out this thread.

I wish you good luck with that. :Smile:



353930 Aw man, a mew, be carefull :Shocked:


Better thing you can do is wait a staffer, the most online of them are Shamac, Kagawa, PreHax, Reikou.


Hello NamelessHero27,


please refrain yourself from telling people that I am a part of the staff team because I am not. I am just some random dude trying to help.

Also Shamac, Kagawa or Reikou can't do anything about it, they will just contact an Admin to check this thread out because they don't have the power to handle these cases.



  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

I've looked into the issue presented. What happened is total wipe of a released monster. We often clear released monsters to free up some space in the database. Sadly, your Mew cannot be recovered from the current live database.

As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

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