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It's over... for now...

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I cant find anything interesting to do in PRO, Pinkan Island is the biggest flop of this game, I thought something new and interesting would have been introduced with pinkan island but nothing... a useless boss, some bad pokes to farm (the only good one is schyter which is ultra rare, I found 2 in 5h), Sinnoh will not be introduced soon :( pvp is getting boring since 3/4 of ppl use weather teams (weather icons are still bugged) and cloud nine is not coded.

I will keep logging a couple times every week but only to chat to some friends ^^

A special thanks to everyone I played with for the last year :thanks:

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I cant find anything interesting to do in PRO, Pinkan Island is the biggest flop of this game, I thought something new and interesting would have been introduced with pinkan island but nothing... a useless boss, some bad pokes to farm (the only good one is schyter which is ultra rare, I found 2 in 5h), Sinnoh will not be introduced soon :( pvp is getting boring since 3/4 of ppl use weather teams (weather icons are still bugged) and cloud nine is not coded.

I will keep logging a couple times every week but only to chat to some friends ^^

A special thanks to everyone I played with for the last year :thanks:


Farewell, I am sorry you feel that way about PRO o/

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Be sure to stop by from time to time, as Sinnoh is the content staff's number one priority at the moment, and they're working real hard on it.

I look forward to your return.

Do not contact staff members for private support. Share your questions on the forums as they could be useful to others.

Remember to use the correct forum when posting. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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Farewell :(

Make sure to come back in the future.

...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

Do not contact staff members for private support. Share your questions on the forums as they could be useful to others.

Remember to use the correct forum when posting. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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