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Trade Evolution Megathread


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Hello, so I am from Silver server , my name ingame is Brenda123 and I have a litwick that did not evolve for some reason1597883111194.png.04daf0cd9f2fe43775288aea9fa75fb3.png

Please help me evolving it


Hi. Your Poke has been deleveled. Have a nice day, M3ru3m
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In-game name: Kimix62

Server: Silver

Timezone: GMT+1



I need help evolving my feebas into an milotic. I am often connected during the day GMT+1. Thanks in advance :)feebas.png.42337e8d8d1c0ddec704eaad7cd68d94.png


EDIT: I have exchanged with another people :)

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In-game name: Warung

Server: Gold



Please help me evolve my Scyther, already equip it with metal coat




Thank you


Edit : ignore this, i already evo with Zealous. thank you

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Ign: Dreamtide

Server: Silver


De-Evolution request: I did the horrible mistake of evolving my male Kirlia into Gardevoir out of rush cause i was before e4 and forgot that it needed Dawn Stone.

Please help me by making it again a Kirlia so I make it right this time. Ps: i read on some posts that u lack the tools, but i'm pretty sure it happened on the past for other people. This pokemon is mine and I put so much effort to get it and then raise it, so please dont discard me with the ignore label of ''we can't do anything about that''.


Hi. I am sorry, but we can't de-evolve Pokes. It has not happend for other People cause we simply can't do it due to the lack of tools. Have a nice day regardless, M3ru3m


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In-game name: Riddoe

Server: Silver

Pokemon ID:40519875


My halloween sneasel is currrently lvl 96 have tried giving it a rare candy and manually leveled it up one level and it has still not evolved was wondering if you could help with this.


Looks like the Problem is solved, but if that happens again let the Poke faint 1 time, then close your Client for about 30 secs, log back in, heal up and lvl it up again. Have a nice day, M3ru3m
Edited by M3ru3m
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