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Restore Pokemon Megathread


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Hello , sir or mam my brother accidentally released my pokes about 5 of them were released . So this is to request you guys to please return me my pokes . I dont have their ID no. because i didnt know about this . I can tell u the details properly :-

1. Swampert (lvl100) Adamant nature ev not done and moveset was ice punch , waterfall , earthquake and the fourth one i dont know i cant recall its ivs but it was definitely my ot (BlackVenom32) 


2. Blaziken (lvl100) Naive nature ev not done but ivs i guess spd-23 def good ability blaze and moveset i dont remember and it was also mine ot ( BlackVenom32) 


3. Dragonite it was adamant nature ev not done  with 30hp ivs (100lvl) moveset was dragon dance , outrage , earthquake and fourth one i dont remember it was not a hidden ability one and was mine ot (BlackVenom32) 


4. Ampharos (100lvl) nature was modest and ev was done spdef 252 spd 252 hp 6 moveset was discharge i guess and heal bell, dragon pulse , and fourth one i dont remember ability static and was definitely mine ot (BlackVenom32) 


5. Venusaur (100lvl) ev done  def 252 hp 252 spdef 6 bold nature ability overgrow moveset i dont remember maybe sludge bomb petal dance and two and was mine ot (BlackVenom32 ) 

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Hi, The guys told me to talk to a staff member, I accidentally deleted my strawberry (pink) Easter Day (togepi) togepi. I don't have an image capture because I didn't plan to delete it... I thought I was deleting another one and the chat went by quickly. I didn't know they could be recovered T.T I need help to recover it :c thank you very much

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