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Chaos [Silver Server][Looking for Active PvP Players]


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I'd like to talk to someone about joining. I fit all criteria except 200h play time. IGN zlboo, discord xxbooxx2007.


● What's your Name/IGN?

● Are you active in Discord?

● Where are you from?

● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO?

● What's your goal in PRO?

● Why do you want to be part of Chaos?

● What's your favorite Pokemon and why?

● What's your favorite animal and why?


Can u fill in some of our questions in our application?



Apply To My Lovely Guild Genesis & Reborn : Best Guild In Server!

My Wishlist : List of Pokes!

WTS Pokes : My Lovely Shop!


" My Discord Tag: imhanjoo #4712 "

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Didn't know if you wanted that here or not.

IGN zlboo

Yes, and on pro discord as well.

Pennsylvania USA

66h an counting. Everyday for the past week or so, absolutely loving it.

Overall goal is to amass a decent wealth like I do in most games n give back here n there. ATM I play with 2 acc(since pokes lock into johto...) My sister, her husband and my roommate both play as well, and all look to me for guidance playing.

I feel like I'd be able to do alot of what I like to do with chaos as far as learn, help out, help my friends with gained info heh.

Fav poke.. tie between Ghastly and Haunter, always has been since the beginning of Pokemon, even tattooed the Evo chain on my leg.

Fav animals start with Dogs I have 3 love every one of em more than 99% of ppl lol and Hawks&Falcons. Dad's a Falconer, has a few Hawks and the Renaissance fair has always been big with that and fun for all us.

Let me know if there's anything else

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● What's your Name/IGN? Dkgsa1212

● How old are you? 19

● Are you active in Discord? Yes!

● Where are you from? Israel

● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? I play pro since 2016, my current playtime is ranging between 20~40 hours depends on work/school etc

● What's your goal in PRO? Catch em all, have some good 'mons.

● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? I know quite some people that I can see through the picture, and I used to be in Reborn before I took some time off the game, now I'm back and I'm seeking for a good guild!

● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? Rampardos - he just looks really badass and I had him on some one pokemon games, he was hella fun, and squirtle because he hella cute

● What's your favorite animal and why? Dogs, because I own a dog and he is very friendly :3

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Didn't know if you wanted that here or not.

IGN zlboo

Yes, and on pro discord as well.

Pennsylvania USA

66h an counting. Everyday for the past week or so, absolutely loving it.

Overall goal is to amass a decent wealth like I do in most games n give back here n there. ATM I play with 2 acc(since pokes lock into johto...) My sister, her husband and my roommate both play as well, and all look to me for guidance playing.

I feel like I'd be able to do alot of what I like to do with chaos as far as learn, help out, help my friends with gained info heh.

Fav poke.. tie between Ghastly and Haunter, always has been since the beginning of Pokemon, even tattooed the Evo chain on my leg.

Fav animals start with Dogs I have 3 love every one of em more than 99% of ppl lol and Hawks&Falcons. Dad's a Falconer, has a few Hawks and the Renaissance fair has always been big with that and fun for all us.

Let me know if there's anything else


● What's your Name/IGN? Dkgsa1212

● How old are you? 19

● Are you active in Discord? Yes!

● Where are you from? Israel

● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? I play pro since 2016, my current playtime is ranging between 20~40 hours depends on work/school etc

● What's your goal in PRO? Catch em all, have some good 'mons.

● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? I know quite some people that I can see through the picture, and I used to be in Reborn before I took some time off the game, now I'm back and I'm seeking for a good guild!

● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? Rampardos - he just looks really badass and I had him on some one pokemon games, he was hella fun, and squirtle because he hella cute

● What's your favorite animal and why? Dogs, because I own a dog and he is very friendly :3


check ur pms



Apply To My Lovely Guild Genesis & Reborn : Best Guild In Server!

My Wishlist : List of Pokes!

WTS Pokes : My Lovely Shop!


" My Discord Tag: imhanjoo #4712 "

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