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  1. Past hour
  2. Pokemon/Being Auctioned Starting price/point : 700k Ending Point/Exact time/Duration(No last calls) : 72h from the first offer Insta Price: 2.5 mil Available Payments : Pokedollars + CC (420k each) Minimum Raise : 50K Contact me:- In-game : EiRaiden
  3. Thanks, I want to know the limit. I will try now to upload and if I face any issue, I will update.
  4. Today
  5. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/237047-giving-money-away-until-astrella-comes-out-day-203/?do=findComment&comment=1426501 @Epithet
  6. Hi. Thank you very much for contacting us about your issue. You see, as @Doah kindly mentionned, unfortunately you will have to level another Pidgey again to level 80. Remember to show the NPC your Pidgey after catching it and BEFORE starting to level it. As the query has been resolved, I will now lock this topic. Please feel free to contact us again if you are any future questions and good luck in your adventures! - Kubrick
  7. ° what can you contribute to Eternity? i really like the collective and competative aspect of this game and me being and ex showdown player i play ramdom pvp from time to time but other than that i really like to collect different event froms of the pokemon as well ° what is your real life and ingame name? RLN: jyotirmoy // IGN: Bittertooth ° how old are you and where are you from? 20 years old and I'm from India . ° discord tag? how often are you online there _shan.06 and I check discord from time to time on a daily basis ° screenshot of your trainercard
  8. Yesterday
  9. i sell star wars pawniard.
  10. Locked as resolved. Don't hesitate to creating a new thread if you have another question or issue. Take care.
  11. To clairfy, the Elekid would have to be caught after speaking with the Elder. This is also the case for the other two Legendary Birds. However, I notice you've already caught Zapdos, so I will go ahead and lock this thread. Feel free to create another thread if you have another question or concern. Take care.
  12. Another quest done! Full quest vday(bonus reroll epic suicune :3) Thnx Much, GLhf!
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