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  1. Past hour
  2. No problem, i thought i miss calc the timer like i did yesterday when i pm u , whenever u can online pm me in game or on discord ign is Qasar ^^
  3. @Qasar is right… excuse me @Dream123456. This auction ended 2 hours before your bid of 250K. So technically @Qasar won the bid at 200K! i really fucked up and didnt keep track of it. My bad! Congrats @Quasar you won your mon for 200K! Its 3 am here where I am but adding you on my friend list before going to bed and tomorrow we do the transaction! sorry again, did not want to upset anyone with my error!
  4. Today
  5. Hello @Luke02 @Paranoisee1 Apologies for the delay. Heracross is now on @Paranoisee1's account. 19.6m and a Coin Capsule have been sent to @Luke02. Kind regards
  6. Hello @Madcarthos @Cattybandit I have forced all trades. @Madcarthos Please don't forget to remove those pokemon from your shop. Have a great day!
  7. Hello @Ironlady @Cattybandit I have forced the trades for: Absol, first Charmander, Heracross and Marill. Audino and second Charmander seem to have been sold already. @Ironlady When you sell a pokemon, please remove it from your shop. Similar scenarios should be avoided in the future. Kind regards
  8. Budget verve very huge Needs to be epic / godly Thanks very mucho
  9. Hello @Pontusjpp99 @Cattybandit The trade has been forced. Kind regards
  10. Eevee - ended won by @Wilmart,kindly pm me when you will available to do trade Ralts - approximately 7 hours left
  11. Hello @Blitzkriegz As requested, your thread has been moved to Silver section. Have a great day!
  12. Wait a Moment this auction should be ended 3 hours ago before the bid of 250K by Dreams, am i right?
  13. Done story hoenn+ sinnoh ty ^_^
  14. Hello there I'll do kyurem quest in your acc for free (How ever u must complete hoenn for that or u can buy service from me which will cost 450k) So if u have completed hoenn I'll do kyuren quest in ur acc and during the quest players get a reward rr so you have to sell it to me for 100k . So by doing nothing u will get a kyurem + 100k The best deal ever x) Message me here or ingame or in discord ghost2156
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