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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/18 in all areas

  1. Hello friends, I present you Charizard wing, a gift from me and the Magikarps guild to you all these images are a donation of the Magikarps Guild, the largest Brazilian Guild in the Three Servers. Be a Magikarps you too ...
    3 points
  2. Hey @Reysle, Im sorry for this inconvenience. The issue is known and is worked on, it should work again in 40-60 minutes. Please stay patient. Thank you for the report. :) Kind regards Xylos.
    2 points
  3. The Contest is now closed! Huge thanks to everyone who entered. Winners will be chosen in the next 2 days, after which i will contact them through forums or ingame. Once again, thanks to everyone who participated, PRO has some really talented players!
    2 points
  4. Nick: Shirag249 Server: yellow
    2 points
  5. The resource has been percolating for a while and undergoing its formative development for a few months; now, with a higher-end hosting switchover finalized, I am ready to announce that PRO has its official wiki! Check out PRO's Official wiki! While PRO's network of services has had all the resources that are indispensable for an MMO—the game, forums, and website, namely—since its nascency, it has always missed one major auxiliary resource: an official wiki—a premier informational resource that's become concomitant enough to virtually every informable MMO in existence. Fan-made ones were operationalized; however, between their lack of officiality and the fact that they ran on lower-end wiki farms (a la wikia), they only garnered half-realized traction—certainly not enough to catalyze their development and maintenance to the point where they were sustainable resources. Forums guides have been informative in their own rights—and certainly have been and will continue to be seminal to the wiki's content development—but there is no glossing over the notion that they have been mostly stopgaps due to the lack of a wiki; that is because they simply were never designed to fulfill the information-sharing and -editing modalities that wikis do. With the integration of this new official resource, there are bound to be some knock-on changes; I'll try to address them all, below. What will happen to the forums-guide section? Although it will remain open for a while, we would enjoin most guide-creators and -editors to transpose their work onto the wiki. On the coattails of the wiki's addition, there is to be a paradigm shift with information-control; that means decentering from forums guides and focusing most of the informational work on the wiki. The only exceptions are the more subjective guides that the wiki can not document any consistently concordant information for. There are some topics that inherently subjectify the content on its guide, such as constructing a PvP-viable lineup; those would be better-suited for the forums than the wiki. PRO Wiki has its crosshairs specifically on objective content and information. Over time, the objective-data/-information sections of the Guides forums may be closed and only remain extant for archival purposes, but it will still remain editable for it; it is just disadvisable more than anything else, depending on the nature of the guide. Contributing to PRO Wiki If you are interested in contributing to it, you can request an account, here. Registration may eventually be deregulated into an openly registrable system; but until there are enough wiki-staff members available, registration will be done on a by-request basis in order to curtail potentially under-moderated vandalism early on. Since you will need to be at least slightly adroit in the wiki's mark-up languages and the template usages in order to substantially contribute, you are advised to reverse-engineer some of the pages just to acquaint yourself with the wiki syntax; you can do so by clicking on the "edit" or "view source" tab on any page. I have modularized various templates to enhance the editor-friendliness for the wiki-editing laymen that may wish to contribute; as such, while it may seem a bit daunting to use the wiki language initially, there generally is a smooth learning curve to traverse after dabbling into it. Do remember that as an official resource, you are liable for in-game punishments for potentially flagrant misdeeds done on the wiki. I will try to delineate a ruleset with due course; until then, there should be a tacit understanding of what is unacceptable, as there are some obvious vices that won't be tolerated—inappropriate content (as it comports to the in-game rules), blatant misinformation, and so forth. Perorational note If there are any questions, concerns, or feedback, this would be the optimal topic to start in. Remember that since the wiki is still only in its budding stage of development, there are many incompletions; that is a project for all of us to tackle collectively, as we avail from the wiki's hallmark of collaborative editability in working together on it. The fertile grounds are rich enough for the wiki to become PRO's best informational resource, and the seeds have been planted; it is up to us to cultivate them!
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. suggestion Zapdos wings, hello friends I'm passing you the sprites of the zapdos wings for free use in the game. Hope you like it. good game In game all these images are a donation of the Magikarps Guild, the largest Brazilian Guild in the Three Servers. Be a Magikarps you too ...
    1 point
  8. Up!!! Nice!! #charizardwingsinPRO
    1 point
  9. Ingamename: Ann4l3n4 Server: Yellow
    1 point
  10. In game Name: Natty354 Server: Red
    1 point
  11. Hello Emperorofthe28B! The servers are offline for maintenance. That is why you can not connect to them. The maintenance is to help reduce the amount of crashes. Please check our Discord to be updated with the situation, If you join the server you will be notified when the servers are back! Discord server: https://discord.gg/FdtDfG4 With that being said, there is no eta on when the servers will be up :(, I will now lock the thread in accordance to the forum rules, Forum rules: I'm sorry for the inconveniences and your patience is appreciated, Have a good day.
    1 point
  12. Hope poke alolan released today zehahaha ;)
    1 point
  13. hopefully,it will come bak in the next idk...10 minutes lol
    1 point
  14. Nick: Semshi Server: Yellow
    1 point
  15. IGN: cheetahbest Server: Red Sawsbuck drinking water. Pencil and paper. I hope the upload worked cause it kept giving me errors cause file size too big.
    1 point
  16. I hope I posted this correctly. I'm phantanimus on the yellow server. I drew Shaymin using pencil and watercolor.
    1 point
  17. Re: Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon [updated 4/9/2017] <r><QUOTE author="Kaminokage" post_id="372648" time="1491712046" user_id="1488380"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> I changed the sync for Budew to level9; should work all day now because Hoothoot has level9 as max spawn level and if the algorithm applies here too then level9 will ensure that it won't spawn. In Kanto Safari a lot of pokemon spawn until level25 but only Eevee and Tauros start at level25 meaning that only these two spawn there with that trick.<br/> <br/> <QUOTE author="SiTzei" post_id="372774" time="1491751311" user_id="915791"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> I added the Natu headbutt and added the Clefairy spawn but changed it to level19 (look at the answer to Kaminokage) and added solo/dual spawns. :P</r>
    1 point
  18. Re: Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon [updated 4/9/2017] <t>natu 6-10 lvl - headbutt tree pewter <br/> <br/> clefairy - moon lvl 18 sync (you still encounter some more pokemons but still easier than normal)</t>
    1 point
  19. Re: Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon [updated 4/9/2017] <r><QUOTE author="zonamarelarap" post_id="372754" time="1491745637" user_id="259452"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> You're looking at the wrong section. The section with Ralts, Abra and Natu is for you to hunt a low enough level Synchronize to use the repel trick with. The known Pokemon that are available to hunt with the said trick is below the section you're looking at.</r>
    1 point
  20. Re: Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon [updated 4/9/2017] <t>this really work? because i try the ralts with abra lvl 5 sync and many repels and no one ratls</t>
    1 point
  21. Re: Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon [updated 4/9/2017] <t>Super Repels are recommended if you want to save some cash since they're better value for money.</t>
    1 point
  22. Re: Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon [updated 4/9/2017] <r><QUOTE author="Kaminokage" post_id="372648" time="1491712046" user_id="1488380"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> <br/> My honest answer is that this might not even be worth at all, the spawn rates remain the same, it is just about how much time you save since you don't have to fun away from every pokemon. I can for sure say that this is not a money friendly method, it's for lazy people who want to hunt said pokemon only and that with high efficiency meaning less wasted time. Max repels are suggested since it's lets annoying to activate them all the time. <br/> <br/> I will add the difference syncs for Budew later :P</r>
    1 point
  23. Re: Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon [updated 4/9/2017] <r><QUOTE author="PreHax" post_id="372640" time="1491710860" user_id="1120928"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <URL url="https://prowiki.info/index.php?title=Viridian_Forest">https://prowiki.info/index.php?title=Viridian_Forest</URL><br/> For Budew, in Viridian Forest, two lv sync are possible. For Morning/day, you need sync lv 9 because Caterpie and Weedle are lv 4-8 at this time. And for Night, you need sync lv 10 because Hoothoot is lv 5-9 at this time. <br/> <br/> Btw, i would like to add something about the repel trick. <br/> For Budew, in example i don't look in details for others, i used 93 max repel for finding 9 budew; so need around 10 max repel per budew. <br/> This number of Max repel used is explain because we "lose" a part of Budew we could spawn: the part lv 4 to 9. When we used sync lv 10 and Max repel, we "lose" 62,5% of Budew we could spawn, so it takes more time to spawn Budew. <br/> I did some statistics: <br/> <IMG src="https://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/813307Sanstitre2.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> So, Budew spawn percentage is around 4%. A question comes to me: Is it worth to use Max Repel to chase it? I don't have the answer. More calculations are needed to answer it, but for the case of Budew the answer seems not easy (i know i can make spawn around 200 pkm per hour, the spawn rate is 7% for each grass in official game, so it can be done). <br/> I don't know for the others, i don't have enough informations to test actually. I am working on it <E>:Cool:</E></r>
    1 point
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