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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/18 in all areas

  1. If you want to transfer your account from Silver to Gold or Gold to Silver, this will be your chance. Till season ends you are able to change the server for $300.000 pokedollar. I will simply swap your accounts. Your old Silver account will be on Gold and your old Gold account will be on Silver. If you are interested, please PM Eaty in forum with following text: Username: Take money from server: Reason for transfer: Discord tag: Please note, that only users without previous infractions are allowed to transfer their accounts. All transfers will be done within the next 24 hours. Edit: The Server Transfers offer is closed since Monday the 30th of April 2018
    2 points
  2. IS RECRUITING PVP AND SOCIAL PLAYERS! >>Guild Website<< >>Guild Shop<< WhiteSyndicate was 10th Top PVP Guild last Season! Welcome and thank you for the taking the time to view this post and perhaps see WhiteSyndicate as a running leader in your search for a guild. Please find details below, and our overall story including our requirements to join. (we have recently changed our logo, hense the multiple logo's on the pictures) Ciecaring First Officer [spoiler=Ciecaring] UnknownDeath414 PVP Officer [spoiler=UnknownDeath414] TROUBLE66 Guild Officer [spoiler=TROUBLE66] DRDoctor Guild Officer [spoiler=DRDoctor] ChaoTiiK Recruitment Officer [spoiler=ChaoTiiK] Alan5690 Events Officer [spoiler=Alan5690] IngmarM Guild Officer [spoiler=IngmarM] Please use the below form and post a reply to this post to apply for a position in our guild. Please remember to check the above requirments to join the guild. We wish you the best of luck! Name in the Game: How many Hours game play do you have currently? How many badges do you currently have? Do you know the differences between IV's and EV's? Your discord username (must include the #0000 numbers): Do you have an interest in PVP? How Many PVP Points do you have? Are you an active member that enjoys communicating and helping other people? Why do you feel you would make a good member of our guild? Thank you all for taking the time to read this. Big thank you to ToniJade#1692, the awesome wife of our first officer, for providing the logo and all artwork for WhiteSyndicate
    1 point
  3. I can get 't see my character , I see only loading screen
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. ● What's your Name/IGN? Stiggggg ● Are you active in Discord? Yes, online pretty much every day ● Where are you from? Netherlands ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? ive got 850 hrs on PRO and i play almost every day ● What's your goal in PRO? chill out, improve my team, do all the quests ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? ive wanted to join a guild for a while and someone i talk to frequently on PRO is inside Chaos ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? Probably darkrai, design is awesome, also the movie was pretty cool and its really good for bosses inside PRO ● What's your favorite animal and why? Probably golden retriever dog, just such a nice animal ( and i have one )
    1 point
  6. Aqui estan los inscritos hasta el dia de hoy, digame quien falta o si quieren pasarse de un principiantes a experimentados /// Here are the registered until today, tell me who is missing or if you want to go from a beginner to experienced Torneo EXPERIMENTADOS! GaiaTree ErickLysander Charmander1 Danif Serozz Gaskarth Barumunk Tokioin Bilbo27 ElWoodBlues Destroyer2308 Richard120 Satoshi LightArt Issei11 Mmiisshhaa ElNegas Tito25 CarlosV7 Yudox Torneo PRINCIPIANTES! Kawaki QuincyxD Drigger7petare Pianguino Chris2293 Aztakrot Reykun MatiasM Chvkz502 Aleber0991 Gimatt Gokucr7 Sergey710 Javez ak4lo DarkRitual007 Rxwenzo Diex1222 Vichicachi
    1 point
  7. Strong stall lineup, a rotom wash addition and u probably have a clean asf team cx
    1 point
  8. Name in the Game: Jayanth123 How many Hours game play do you have currently?: 146+ How many badges do you currently have? 16 Do you know the differences between IV's and EV's : Yes I do Your discord username: Savage_Jay (#3815) How many PVP points do you have currently: 0 (BUT I LOVE PVP) Are you an active member that enjoys communicating and helping other people: Yes I am an active member and love to help and chat with other ppl while playing. I have helped many friends Why do you feel you would make a good member of our guild? : I would like to help others in the guild. I don't scam and use slangs and I respect everyone and would like to improve the guild
    1 point
  9. habla con el tipo que te las quito (no me acuerdo como se llama la verdad) una vez que hables con el te dira que bla bla bla tus MASTER BALLS bla bla bla tus RCS bla bla bla xD
    1 point
  10. Ya estas no bro? No me dejaba responderte el mensaje privado, salia como hilo cerrado y no se que xD Pero bueno Bievenido a Claymore! Aqui estan las reglas cualquier duda me dices
    1 point
  11. Ah, I meant, what do you get inside of New Mauville? Not in the entrance
    1 point
  12. Team 1: Mega Metagross Landorus Arceus Reshiram Tornadus Zekrom Team 2: Skarmory Mega Lucario Arceus Groudon Regigigas Kyogre Team 3: Mega Salamence Metal Mewtwo (Steel/Psychic) Arceus Palkia Dialga Darkrai
    1 point
  13. A few minor tweaks have been made to Battle Tower. The Kyogre Mount random drop have been removed and it has been added to the PvE coin shop instead. Expect from now some constant minor changes to the battle tower trainers.
    1 point
  14. Name in the Game: Jayanth123 How many Hours game play do you have currently?: 124+ How many badges do you currently have? 12 Do you know the differences between IV's and EV's : Yes I do Your discord username: Savage Jay How many PVP points do you have currently: 0 (BUT I LOVE PVP) Are you an active member that enjoys communicating and helping other people: I love to help and chat with other ppl while playingWhy do you feel you would make a good member of our guild? : I would like to help others in the guild. I don't scam and use slangs. THANKS YOU IF READ
    1 point
  15. IGN Tech24 18 kanto elite 4 about to be defeated yes DIscord name Tech#1041 36+
    1 point
  16. Before you jump into PVP matches, make sure you have at least a good grasp on: Types - how each type interacts with each other, what's super-effective, neutral or ineffective against what; Base stats - the six stats each of your Pokémon have, and what roles they'd be better at fulfilling; Battle stats - possible stage increases and decreases on one or more of those base stats, that only last during the battle they're applied on, and that can be either self-inflicted (Swords Dance, Withdraw, Nasty Plot, Amnesia), inflicted by/on your opponent (Growl, Tail Whip, Sweet Scent) or activated by held items (Petaya Berry, Salac Berry, Apicot Berry); Abilities - special skills that your Pokémon inherently possesses, what activates them, when do they activate, how to use them to your favor - note that while a species may have access to more than one ability, a Pokémon may only have one ability as its own; Natures - each Pokémon has a different nature, that either increases one stat by 10% while reducing another by 10% (Adamant is +Atk - Sp Atk, Timid is +Spd - Atk), or is neutral and doesn't alter any stats at all (Hardy, Serious); Effort Values (EVs) - points your Pokémon earns that add to their stats, most commonly by battling (each Pokémon yields a different number: defeating a Magikarp yields 1 Speed EV, while defeating a Chansey yields 2 HP EVs), but they're also attainable with the use of specific consumables for each stat (Protein, Zinc, Calcium). A Pokémon starts with 0 EVs, and you can attribute a max of 252 EV points to a stat, with a limit of 510 overall (only 508 being actually usable) - EV gains can be amplified with the use of Power items (they all cut your in-battle speed by half, but increase EV gain, like how Macho Brace doubles EVs gained after a battle while every other Power item - Bracer, Anklet, Weight, etc - gives you +8 on their specific EV); Individual Values (IVs) - fixed hidden values that affect each of your Pokemon's base stats separately, randomly assigned from 1 to 31 - these are defined when you catch a Pokémon, and cannot be changed; Teambuilding Movesets - what's worth having on your team, choosing between physical and special moves, damaging or non-damaging/utility moves, and so forth; Secondary Move Effects - if and what are the potential secondary effects of your moves, and who's affected by them (Leaf Storm decreasing your Sp Atk in two stages, Dynamicpunch confusing your opponent upon connecting, Waterfall may flinch upon contact); Roles - what position each Pokémon on your team occupies, whether it's better suited to be a sweeper, a cleric, a tank, a lead, a revenge-killer, and so on; Weaknesses - not only the type weaknesses your team has, but also type matchups that your team struggles to deal with (like having too many Pokémon being weak to Ground types, or being unable to deal with threats like say a Garchomp or a Forretress); Counterplaying - applying your knowledge on your team's strongest and weakest features in order to maximize the former and minimizing the latter, having different ways to deal with multiple/common threats, not relying on a single strategy to win all matches, adapting to the flow of each battle; Held Items - understanding the different held items and their uses, if they need activation before being used (pinch berries, for example), and what secondary effects they may carry (Life Orb dealing recoil damage, Black Sludge healing only Poison types, etc); Battling STAB - an acronym for Same Type Attack Bonus, a 50% damage boost of an attack when it is the same type as one of the types of the Pokémon using the attack, and whether it's better to use a STAB move versus a super-effective, non-STAB one; Status conditions - ailments that affect your Pokémon's performance in-battle, their effects (Burn cutting your physical damage dealt in half, Paralysis reduces Speed and has a 25% chance of making it unable to move for that turn, etc), and whether they're non-volatile (remains outside of battle and after being switched out - Burn, Poison, Freeze, etc), volatile (inflicted by a move or ability from another Pokémon and wears off when switched out of battle or when a battle is over - being binded, Confusion, Cursed, etc), or while a Pokémon is in battle; Prediction - trying to make intelligent guessing based on collected experience and information throughout the battle, and taking moves in advance of expecting your opponent to make a certain play; Setup - moves that buff your Pokémon's stats (Quiver Dance, Calm Mind, Nasty Plot, etc), and spotting ideal moments/opportunities with using them during the battle; Entry Hazards - status moves that alter the battlefield and interact with Pokémon switching in/entering after those were set, either by dealing damage (Stealth Rock, Spikes), spreading status conditions (Toxic Spikes) or reducing stats (Sticky Web), as well as how to get rid of them (Defog, Rapid Spin) and if your team needs either of them. Although this is an extensive list and some may argue that it covers things that someone who's just beginning on the PVP world shouldn't worry about yet, I believe this is a good starting place for a solid foundation that'll serve you for many battles and seasons to come. Have fun on the competitive world!
    1 point
  17. I would agree with most overs, i am the guild leader of WhiteSyndicate on Yellow, and we are a social guild... It seems like this game guild wise is dominated by your PVP Rank and items in your bank instead of the content in your guild, our guild bank may be quite full but it certainly couldn't accommodate that. With being an open guild like many others we accept members from all area's of the game, Asking everyone for a donation of 200k may seem unfair to the players that are still progressing. 10mill to buy the island and 2.5mill to change spawns/places would be much more approachable. We at :) Maybe for now just adding stuff to the 'manage' area on guild social might be enough :) A guild officer of mine suggested the following - "My suggestion is to add breaking crystals to the guild island like in love island makes it more bearable for ppl pay more money to it" Another thought from another officer which i think may be appropriate to the proposed price tag - "A better way since 200k is a lot for some people we could ask for like a 20k donation if you thought it was a good idea, as it was mentioned before we didnt want to be one of those guilds with terrible membership costs" More ideas and suggestions may follow in due course.
    1 point
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