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Everything posted by Xylos

  1. Resolved in-game. As said in-game, in future please use our restore thread: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/restore-pokemon-megathread.65786/page-97 :P Have a nice day. ^^ ~Xylos
  2. Hey AKIDBS, when you search for a specific Pokémon, please ask in the trade chat in-game or use our forums trade area linked here. Make sure to offer some compensation for example money. Otherwise I can recommend you to catch a low level Geodude with Sturdy and teach it Toxic. With this Pokémon you can poison Deoxys and heal up with a Super Potion or similar. Sturdy will avoid a one hit KO and Super Potions are kind of cheap to buy. :) A other method would be to try to Paralyze it in order to lower its speed harshly. I hope this answer helps you in some kind of way. ^^ Kind regards Xylos
  3. Hey PeterMMC, I'm sorry for this inconvenience and this late reply. In such cases, when you cant interact with specific buttons or have graphical bugs, a re-download after deleting the current PRO version does help. Am I right when this issue is already fixed for you? If yes, could you tell me how you fixed it? :) It would help for similar cases in future. Kind regards Xylos
  4. Hey you two, I'm sorry for this inconvenience and late reply. As I see this issue is solved, therefore I will lock this topic now. :) Nice that you found a way to solve it yourself. In future you can use our topic for Region Locked Pokémon which is created for exactly this issue. Have a nice day! ~Xylos
  5. Hey oocyte, I'm sorry for this inconvenience and late reply. I saw in a other topic that this issue is solved, therefore I will lock this topic now. :) In future you can use our topic for Region Locked Pokémon which is created for exactly this issue. Have a nice day! ~Xylos
  6. Hey xChilloutZ, sorry for the late answer. ^^ When the server is crashed it may restart right after, this usually needs 1-5 minutes. In case it does not or we have a maintenance we have in the very most cases no ETA as there is always different stuff to do and the times vary. When you want to be updated close by time, feel free to join our official PRO Discord server where usually players notice each other when the server is up again but where we also announce out maintenances besides many other updates. However, here, we wont answer how long the server will be down, as I already said, there is no ETA in the very most cases. :) I hope the answer helped you in some way. Kind regards Xylos
  7. Hey CroakMain, I'm sorry for this inconvenience. Unfortunately we can not refund any cooldowns, lost Pokémon or game progress in general. Once again, we are sorry for that but we can't reset your cooldown timer. :/ But I can inform you that in meanwhile the Boss should be able to notice if the server crashed and will reset the cooldown automatically as for all reworked bosses. So, this should be the last time this happened for Nikola. Regards Xylos
  8. Very cool. Nice! I wish you much fun once the server are up again. ^^ I will lock this topic then as the problem is fixed. Have a nice day!
  9. Hey khong101, I'm very sorry for this late reply. Does this problem still occur? If yes, can you give me the name of your alt account? We will try to fix this problem as soon as possible for you in order to compensate this delay. Regards Xylos
  10. Hey joseph101, I'm very sorry for this late reply. However, the answer is kind of simple: No, it does not. The reason for that is that wee currently don't want to have any methods in the game which increases the chance for any encounter. So, all abilities, items or moves which have such side effects have it disabled. I hope this answered your question properly. If you have any further questions, feel always free to ask. :) Regards Xylos
  11. Hey DarkEmka, I'm sorry for this inconvenience. We took the server down in order to fix the frequent crashes we had today. The reason for the crashes is more the code than the actual server and thats where our Devs are currently working on. However, there is no ETA when the server will be back on. We will keep you up to date on our News Board or Discord server. As a side note, when you get the "Connection Lost" warning prompt while you have internet access, it is in the most cases the server which is down. In such a case you can get news in the already mentioned sources. I hope that answers your question. Regards Xylos
  12. Hey MooAiiT, in order to change your resolution you have to go to the option menu which you can access by the icon on the bottom left corner. In this window should be a resolution scale displayed, you can change your resolution by clicking on the scale (1.). However, your problem is more that you are not able to click it as it is to small from what I understand. In this case, try to maximize your GUI Scale. This will scale the window bigger and it should be easier to click the resolution and any other button (2.). Let me know if you are able to interact with the GUI Scale and if this is able to resolve your problem. Kind regards Xylos
  13. Hey NemanjaNeca, I'm sorry for this inconvenience. This is a problem which can occur sometimes on Andriod systems. In order to fix this issue, make again sure that really every old PRO file is deleted. After that, please try to Download the game from a other browser Delete your cache and try to download again This usually helps. Let me know if it works. Keep in mind that our server are currently offline, at this moment I posted this reply - just to prevent any misunderstandings. Regards Xylos
  14. Hey Zeina666, I'm sorry for this inconvenience. We are aware of the frequently crashes of the server which is the reason why we took them down for now to actively work on this problem. The reason for the crashes is more the code than the actual server. So, thats what our Dev's are currently work at. However, there is no ETA when the server will be back on. Once this downtime is finished, we hope the crashes are reduced. We will keep you up to date on our News Board or Discord server. Regards Xylos
  15. Hey Feelsbadman3, I'm sorry for this inconvenience. We are aware of the frequently crashes of the server which is the reason why we took them down for now to actively work on this problem. As I am also just a player like everyone else I can understand your feelings, but there is currently not much we can do except trying to work on this problem what we already do. The reason for the crashes is more the code than the actual server. However, there is no ETA when the server will be back on. We will keep you up to date on our News Board or Discord server. ~Xylos
  16. Hello nrb007, I'm sorry for this inconvenience. I forwarded the case and it seems your anti virus is blocking PRO. Please disable the Anti Virus for the time you install the game and add the game as exception or disable the anti virus for the time you play. Let me know if it works this way. Regards Xylos
  17. Hey ChrisAn2, it seems you do not hit the requirements to enter the cave. Keep in mind that besides the level 60 restriction there is a 150 hour requirement, but region specific. That means you need 150 hours play time since you started Sinnoh. You can check your Sinnoh hours by talking to Prof Rowan in Sandgem Town. From my information you should have around 68 Sinnoh hours. Let me know if you have any further questions in this subject. Regards Xylos
  18. No problem, I also got confused by that already several times^^ Still thank you that you do the work to report a bug, even when it was a mistake this time! ~ closed ~
  19. Hey petex, I'm sorry for this inconvenience. You don't need to do the whole quest again, but indeed you have to beat the guardian again and you will have again a certain chance to have Raikou spawned unless you beat the guaridan 4 times in a row. In this case Raikou will spawn regardless. Make sure to really catch it this time, this will be your last chance! Have a Master Ball ready or use a Pokémon with False Swipe to maximize your chances. :) Regards Xylos
  20. Hey ChrisAn2, I'm sorry for this inconvenience. The maximum possible level should still be 60, there was no change made. Could you send a screenshot how you aren't be able to enter the cave with your level 60 Pokémon? It may be possible that a bug occurred. Regards Xylos
  21. Hello FranckMal, I'm sorry for this inconvenience and sorry for the late answer. Unfortunately we can not refund any lost items, caught Pokémon and general game progress in case of a server crash. Once again, we are sorry for this issue but there is really nothing we can do about it. Our dev's are always working to improve the serer stability. Regards Xylos
  22. Hey Sybilok, you still can play PvP on your account. Our account restriction is based on persons, not on Ip's or similar. One person can play PvP on 2 accounts as long both accounts are not on ladder. We can see at specific factors when a single person plays with 3 accounts or if it are 2 persons. It is unlikely that you would get banned for that, but if, you have nothing to fear as you just have to explain your situation in the appeal. However, keep in mind we are able to differentiate when we look into cases further if really just one or more persons play on some accounts. Also please keep in mind that it is not allowed to play on someone elses account. I hope I was able to clarify this topic. If you have any further questions regarding this topic, let it me know. Regards Xylos
  23. Nice to see that everything is clarified ^^
  24. Hey, you already have a topic open in this regards. Please proceed there. There is unfortunately no easier way. Regards Xylos
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