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Everything posted by Xylos

  1. Alright. Therefore I will lock this topic now^^ Have a nice day!
  2. Hey Pysiaczek, I asked the admin team regarding your question. Your hours would count as 50. :) So, you hit this requirement. Do you have any additional questions regarding this topic? Regards Xylos
  3. Hey kotzf, I'm sorry for this inconvenience. Indeed, the weather status was not displayed as it should be. Thank you for reporting this bug. However, it won't be fixed for now, not directly. We currently have a PvP revamp ongoing where the whole PvP system is being reworked. After this rework, all PvP bugs should be fixed and everything should work as intended. Therefore our devs said it makes no sense to fix stuff on the current code since it would break the work on the revamp. When this updated PvP will come in-game is not known yet, a rough ETA was given with 1-2 months a month ago, but there can always come eventualities which can delay this work. Once it is live, we will announce it in our announcements and in our official Discord server. Generally, if displaying weather should not work for you more often, try to re-install your client. This may help for some parts. Regards Xylos
  4. Hey NotDrinker, the end of the event was already announced earlier on Saturday. However, I will forward this request and keep you up to date if there will be such a NPC. Regards Xylos
  5. Hey RickVitorX3, it is currently possible to do account transfers at this forum topic. However, you need to fill some requirements in order to receive this service. If you fulfill this requirements, you can simply answer on the topic with the template written there. If not, you have to wait unfortunately for the next option we offer this service. There is no ETA when we offer this service the next time. It depends when Admins have time and on some other factors. However, once a new one is open, we will announce it in our announcements and in our official Discord server. Regards Xylos
  6. Hey, indeed not really a bug, but also not really something we could change. We can not remove all Wynaut spawns and have no location for this Pokémon. However, the battle wouldn't be endless because when your PP are stalled out, your Abra would use struggle and would faint due the recoil damage. I agree it is not very fast but there is not much more you could do. A Smoke Ball would be a option, or evolve Abra to Kadabra and teach it Shadow Ball in order to one hit k.o. the opposing trapper. Hope that helps some kind of a bit. Regards Xylos
  7. Hey Yasiuuhi, I'm sorry for this inconvenience. Indeed this is a bug. Because of a small rollback of some data, the move wasn't saved for your Leafeon. The bug is sadly not so easy to fix and more minor because you can easily re-learn the move by a move re-learner. For Kanto those move re-learner are located in Saffron close to the Poké-Center and Cerulean City left infront of the Nugget Bridge. It only costs 2.000$ and therefore a cheap way to have this bug undone. There is no ETA when this bug will be fixed. We do not refund in such a case, for more information take a look at our corresponding forum topic. I hope this clarifies everything. Regards Xylos
  8. I'm sorry, I linked you to a page you cant access, I fixed the link. Here again: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/119841-url/?do=findComment&comment=694879
  9. Hey KiriraReaper and welcome ^^ Let me introduce you a bit in the game and the forums. If you seek for some assistance in the story mode, check out our Guide sub-forum. You can find there walkthroughs to any region but also for any kind of quests and much more useful information. We also have a PRO Wiki, it is not in a shape we could call it finished and you should not trust the mentioned spawns there, but there is much information. Usually stuff is described a bit more detailed there if you are a fan of knowing every detail of your subject. For community interaction besides the forums, feel free to join our Official Discord Server. If you should need any help in future or should have any questions you can ask them there. Depending on the question, the helpful people there might lead you to our General Support sub-forum. You can also ask here any kind of question and ask for help in case you should have any problem with the game. (But before you open a topic there, it would be great if you could take a look in the "Read this topic before you post a support topic" thread :P 80% of all issues and their fixes are mentioned there :P). Other useful sub-forums may be: The announcement sub-forum, you can see there some bigger announcements and our update-logs The Guild sub-forum if you are searching for a guild Our General Complaint area for... general complaints :P The report sub-forum in case you should ever be in contact with not allowed stuff which I wish wont happen much for you. So far so good, those are of course only a few parts of the forums. I let the rest for you to explore. :P If you have any questions, feel always free to ask. :) Have fun!
  10. Welcome back :D I think much happened while you was away, but what exactly you can check at our monthly recaps. There is everything mentioned what happened in any month. :)
  11. Hey MazTaim and welcome :D Let me introduce you a bit in the game and the forums. If you seek for some assistance in the story mode, check out our Guide sub-forum. You can find there walkthroughs to any region but also for any kind of quests and much more useful information. We also have a PRO Wiki, it is not in a shape we could call it finished and you should not trust the mentioned spawns there, but there is much information. Usually stuff is described a bit more detailed there if you are a fan of knowing every detail of your subject. For community interaction besides the forums, feel free to join our Official Discord Server. If you should need any help in future or should have any questions you can ask them there. Depending on the question, the helpful people there might lead you to our General Support sub-forum. You can also ask here any kind of question and ask for help in case you should have any problem with the game. (But before you open a topic there, it would be great if you could take a look in the "Read this topic before you post a support topic" thread :P 80% of all issues and their fixes are mentioned there :P). Other useful sub-forums may be: The announcement sub-forum, you can see there some bigger announcements and our update-logs The Guild sub-forum if you are searching for a guild Our General Complaint area for... general complaints :P The report sub-forum in case you should ever be in contact with not allowed stuff which I wish wont happen much for you. So far so good, those are of course only a few parts of the forums. I let the rest for you to explore. :P If you have any questions, feel always free to ask. :) Have fun!
  12. Hey Zerollone, I'm sorry for this inconvenience. This is not a map bug, rather something that went wrong in your client. Please try to simply re-start your client and start the game again. In case this should not work, please try to re-install your client. For that, delete all your PRO files and download the game from our download page and give it a try. Let me know if that did fixed your issue. Regards Xylos
  13. Hey Richi and welcome to PRO! ^-^ If you seek for some assistance in the story mode, check out our Guide sub-forum. You can find there walkthroughs to any region but also for any kind of quests and much more useful information. We also have a PRO Wiki, it is not in a shape we could call it finished and you should not trust the mentioned spawns there, but there is much information. Usually stuff is described a bit more detailed there if you are a fan of knowing every detail of your subject. For community interaction besides the forums, feel free to join our Official Discord Server. If you should need any help in future or should have any questions you can ask them there. Depending on the question, the helpful people there might lead you to our General Support sub-forum. You can also ask here any kind of question and ask for help in case you should have any problem with the game. (But before you open a topic there, it would be great if you could take a look in the "Read this topic before you post a support topic" thread :P 80% of all issues and their fixes are mentioned there :P). So far so good. I let the rest for you to explore. If you have any questions, feel always free to ask. :) Have a good journey!
  14. Hey Necrogimp, I'm sorry for this inconvenience. As I see you already caught Latios and therefore I assume there no no problem anymore? I will try to explain this situation in case you want to know more detailed information about this case. The Latios you searched at different locations and which appeared at Low Tide Ice Room was not the Latios you can catch. It is a part of the Jirachi quest and appears to give you the seen data of Latios which is required for the Jirachi and Latios/Latias quest. As you noticed, the real Latios/as encounter is at a completely different map. So, what happened? You interacted with the Latios but got stuck. However, the server saved the information that you interacted with it and therefore you had the seen data and was the reason why you could continue the quest. Further information are int he Wiki page of the Jirachi Quest (Which is also a part of the Latios/as qeuest). With that, I hope everything is clarified. If not, feel free to let it me know with a reply on this topic. If you need any other help in regards of Legendary Pokémon Quests feel free to check out connected forum thread or our Wiki page. Regards Xylos
  15. Hey NTT206, I'm sorry for this inconvenience. This is a issue from our side. I contacted the Content Scripter team who will look into this issue. This could take a while depending how much they have to do. I will keep you up-to-date. Regards Xylos
  16. Hey XrenmeroX, I'm sorry for this inconvenience. Unfortunately we currently have some problems with server crashes because of some issues in the game code. The server was crashed at the time you posted this thread. We want to apologize for that. However, as stated in our rules for this sub-forum: I know you don't exactly ask for the status of the server more for a reboot, but this still counts under rule. We know most of the times when the server wents down and inform our Admins about that and they will try to re-start the server as quick as possible. Our Developers try to fix this issue for some time already but it is not as easy as it might look like. I can't really tell you when in future the server stability will be better. If you want to know when exactly the server wents online again, I can recommend our Official PRO Discord server, where user informing each other when the server is online again. You also get many other useful information there. Therefore, sorry again for the interruptions in regards of the server. We will try our best to re-start the servers as quick as possible. I will lock this topic now. Kind regards Xylos
  17. Hey RohitPatil007, The General Support sub forum is the wrong sub forum to discuss about bans as it is stated in our forum rules for this specific sub forum. If you want to know the exact reason for your ban and want to know the duration of it, please only create a appeal in our Discipline Appeals, as you already did. Keep in mind to create only one appeal, you can bump your appeal once every 24 hours by a reply on it. I will lock this topic now. Regards Xylos
  18. I don't know where you take your information from but the android version gets updated as all other versions and there is not really a difference between the amount of crashes of Android and PC users. Furthermore we had some additions lately which apply for the Android version only. Issues can happen. Problems in a way the autor of this thread had, can usually be fixed by a re-download and it has nothing to do with fix a dev has to create. So, it is usually not hard to have such a issue like here solved neither do dev's refuse to fix anything. I don't want to talk the problems down we currently have, but they are worked on and have nothing to do with this case.
  19. Okay. Nice to hear that it worked afterwards. :) I'm sorry for any possible inconvenience or confusion. I wish you a nice day! Regards Xylos
  20. Hey, it should be fixed now. In case there should still be any problem with it, let it us know. ^^ Regards Xylos
  21. Should be fixed now. In case there should be any problem, let it us know. Regards Xylos
  22. Should be fixed now. In case it should still appear, let it me know.
  23. If this is your wish, we won't stop you. :D It is no issue for us to look into that generally, just wanted to state that. Either way, have fun ^^
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