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Everything posted by Ryuusenka

  1. I never thought I would say that, but the day came to say goodbye, I'm sad but it is necessary, I have to study a lot for college, so I will have to retire I don't know if I will return someday, I would like to thank all the staff for everything, the game is very good and I had a lot of fun, thanks for the opportunity.
  2. even though pro is not gen 7, have alolan ninetales, he next to her in aurora veil is almost impossible to stop, that must be why
  3. -1 as much as i find the greninja easy to take down, in generation 6 it’s uber, it makes sense to be banned, we’re not in generation 7, we don’t have tapu and z-move, so this ban is fair, you may not agree, but it is the truth.
  4. 2m, aceitar cc / reroll Zam semi-épico
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