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Everything posted by Olker

  1. -1 The double reroll service gives you two chances per rerroll, you just have to be patient and get 10 of them.
  2. And here I am, using the same boss team I never stopped using after 4 years, without being slightly affected by all this bans.
  3. Wasn't it a draw for first place? If so, sometimes it might look like you got second place if you press space bar too quick and don't read properly.
  4. Both abilities work for gyarados. Jolly is better thogh, to outspeed a bunch of important stuff that adamant can't after 1 dd.
  5. It's a visual bug. The message appears although the effect wasn't triggered that turn. Staff knows about it and are working on it. : ]
  6. 2.58m volcarona hp ground
  7. 2.38m Volcarona hp ground EDIT, sorry his last offer was 1.6m+ 1iv rr = 2.28, therefore 2.38 has to be next min offer, hence my edit. :]
  8. Those items are not tradeable. They are exclusive to every account.
  9. Olker

    Sableye WQ

    I don't think you got me.
  10. Olker

    Sableye WQ

    Uhmm, I don't think it's possible, as I think the ID is completely deleted. Gl tho
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