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Everything posted by Olker

  1. 2.58m volcarona hp ground
  2. 2.38m Volcarona hp ground EDIT, sorry his last offer was 1.6m+ 1iv rr = 2.28, therefore 2.38 has to be next min offer, hence my edit. :]
  3. Those items are not tradeable. They are exclusive to every account.
  4. Olker

    Sableye WQ

    I don't think you got me.
  5. Olker

    Sableye WQ

    Uhmm, I don't think it's possible, as I think the ID is completely deleted. Gl tho
  6. Or by the other side, why did it say it is immune to spikes?
  7. I'd say like 150k because it's trained. The ability really ruins the whole purpose of sassy tyranitar, sadly.
  8. -1 When grinding you'll notice the money adds up. If they were to give 200 per mon, it would be around 30 - 50k earned per fully ev trained mon, without counting the level up.
  9. Added that the current icon looks more like the shiny version of Tornadus T.
  10. It wasn't specified when the auction started, so no, he can't accept trading it for other pokémon now.
  11. It is there! Thanks a lot! Please close this thread. ^^
  12. Olker


    If you don't have any attacking moves, that's what is supposed to happen. Or what do you mean?
  13. Plus I'm pretty sure it would destroy the experience of hunting, for those who like to do it
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