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Everything posted by Fallenshadow

  1. In-Game Name: Fallenshadow Discord Tag: Fallenshadow#0391 Server: Gold How often do you use Discord? Quite often What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? It's decent as it is now but maybe some more roles and categories for e.g the top 50 or so, like there is for discord mods etc.
  2. It's Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Shuckle, Aggron, Cloyster, Primeape
  3. Since we dont have to select the Pokemon for every Dig Spot anymore, i would suggest to do the same thing with the Love Island Crystals c:
  4. not always, it shouldnt be like this for too long
  5. Since its BCC i chose these 2 'cause both are Bug types
  6. With all the Wings that aren't available anymore because they were only obtainable during Events i thought about a decent way to add more of them into the Game. To make the BCC a bit more interesting i thought about adding Venomoth and Vivillion into the BCC Area. With both Pokemon added into the BCC there could be their respective Wings as random Reward afterwards. Also i thought about adding Mothim Wings into the Game which would also be available as BCC reward. Furthermore there could also be a shiny Variant of each Wings with a lower Chance to get them. All this would make long time Player join the Contest again cause they might want a special pair of Wings. c:
  7. There is a typo in the game that shows the "Tamato Berry" as "Tomato Berry"
  8. i mean it would be pretty much the same bar just without hotkeys o0
  9. Why is the Lantern in the middle of the grass ? People would enjoy the Speed Area way more if there would be another Grass Pattern instead of this Lantern. Couldn't it be moved to a place where it wouldn't be directly in the way of the Players since there is enough space in the surrounding area ?
  10. Well, in that case why isn't the Guide listed in https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/101161-url this link c: ? Since it's a quite useable Site it would be nice if every Link on there would be up to date.
  11. Outdated Genesect Requirements in this Guide. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/75520-url
  12. Well i need to disagree on that one since you find more Nuggets overall than before. That would be one way to handle it and if it might be too much money from dig spots then, just decrease the rate of those by a little or add Tiny Mushrooms instead of the big ones.
  13. Decrease the spawn rate of reaper cloth from dig spots. There is literally no Point in finding in that often when it has only 1 single use which would be the evo of Dusclops only. Also there is a free Cloth in front of the entrance to Lake Acuity, so why would we need it x-times more from dig spots ?
  14. I might be blind and there is a headbutt Tutor already in Hoenn, but if that is not the case then add one in the Petalburg Forest since the other tutors are in the forests of each region.
  15. thats is basicly what i suggested o0
  16. Since the shiny sprites and event sprites, since xmas, are visible in the boxes, why not make the older ones like clones also visable in the boxes ?
  17. I know it's only a little thing but it can become pretty annoying when you want to Message somebody and then randomly missclick on "Friend/Unfriend". It can be also frustrating when you just want to pm someone, unfriend him/her by mistake and then forgot how the name is spelled, because there can be weird names in this game. With that little change "help chaters" might receive a little less friend request. So my simple solution would be: Message Trade Battle Friend/Unfriend Inspect With this order you would only missclick on "Trade" which is not possible outside of the same PC anyway.
  18. No Beldum spawn in Hoenn Safari anymore and neither Metal Coat on Beldum on Route 228 and Sinnoh Safari, so it does not hold this Item at all anymore
  19. these are the same o0
  20. and this has nothing to do with suggestions
  21. As I am in Help Chat most of my Playtime, i get quite some friend requests and i know we can set ourself as offline but this also provides to be able to chat with other people in a private chat. That's why i suggest just a little option that would turn them off so people can't send us requests anymore. Don't get me wrong, i still want to help people and i answer them if they pm me but i don't want to have a long friendlist and if they have questions they can always use the help chat to get answer from me there. Also i thought about a 2nd bar above the hotkeybar so we can deposite stuff like healing items. They don't need to be useable by hotkeys in my opinion, just make them only clickable so we don't need to open the bag all the time when we get a status while farming pokemon or need to revive a fainted pokemon.
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