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Everything posted by Allsmell

  1. ill start you off, gl :)
  2. Gengar 1 Sold 5m Togekiss 4 Sold 550k
  3. Gliscor 1 Sold 600k Rotom 1 Auction Insta'd 2.2m
  4. Rotom 1 Started 2m by RyoKaiser12 Ends 11/05/2020 12:13 GMT+1
  5. Clefable 3 Sold 600k
  6. ... That method won't work on pro.
  7. Having looked into it. It was an exploit. It's not a pre Evo move. https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/264912/how-do-i-get-shedinja-to-have-swords-dance
  8. Pre Evo tutor is in sinnoh daycare
  9. I ment 250k. It's an offer. No worries if you don't want to accept.
  10. If your budget is 10m for breloom, then add me on discord @Allsmell#8974 If that's too high then gl in your search
  11. offering 250k for starmie
  12. Torkoal 1 Sold 400k Weavile 3 Sold 450k
  13. Costs 25k/level to remove. Personally I'd like it to be able to delevel to any level, but you can also code it to only work on Lvl 100 pokemon. Frees up staff time. Is money sink. Frees up player time also. Edit: Should be easily accessable, ie. one in every region, mabye inside a building in the ports?
  14. Permantly ban passing speed(in all situations), allow passing all other stats imo
  15. Breeding is easy mode... Not sure why ironmen would need harder bosses than regular players also. Think the idea of having untradable accounts is a good idea, adds new depth. Agaist anything that makes them special apart from that, as it undermines the rest of the game. Runescape isn't a good example of a comparable mmo btw. The drops in Runescape are all the same stats, meaning at some point you 'max'. In pro the drops (Pokemon) are all different stats and therefore the RNG is a completetly different type and the economy is therefore very different. Getting 1 perfect pokemon is a 1/57million Event, 5x31+correct sync. therefore 'maxing' (getting all perfect pokemon) is an improbability. Shortcuts like Breeding for limited accouts will ruin the game.
  16. You can have up to 4 accounts(1 per email) total, they can interact with each other however you may like.
  17. My shop doesn't have any shiny aero? I'm a tad confused as i also cleaned out all the old pictures.
  18. Garchomp 7 Sold 400k Infernape 5 Sold 200k Lucario 2 Sold 500k
  19. ill start
  20. Shiny Staryu Added Pink Bellsprout Added
  21. Gliscor 1 sold 3m
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