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Everything posted by Allsmell

  1. Noted Starts on your Post Aegislash 1 S.O. 2m Insta 3m C.O. 2m - Omegagaming19 Ends - 09:50 23/12/2020 GMT+0 Bisharp 1 Sold 500k Charizard 3 Sold 550k
  2. 20k
  3. Seafoam islands BF4 is the highest level available to you. Think about acquiring a sturdy pokemon with a status move also, will make the fight easier
  4. Alakazam 2 Sold 2.5m
  5. Could have sworn thread was in suggestions. My bad
  6. You have won, hit me up on discord @Allsmell#8974 for quicker trading
  7. Bump
  8. Start rio
  9. Bump
  10. All your images are not loading, Looking forward to seeing it complete
  11. Starts on your post
  12. C.O. 1m - 0PaRk3R0 Insta - 2.3m Length - 72h Min Bid - 100k S.O. was 1m
  13. Sold :), If you have discord add me @Allsmell#8974 for easier trading, if not i'll cya ingame at some point
  14. Noted
  15. Noted
  16. Looks nice Tiles look like they should be walkable on, but currently can't
  17. Starts on your post
  18. C.o. 2.6m - Scald Insta 4m 72h from start 100k Min bid S.O was 2m
  19. Hey let me know when is good to trade, if you have discord add me @Allsmell#8974 for easier trading.
  20. bump
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