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Everything posted by Allsmell

  1. Bump
  2. Sharpedo 1 Won 800k Darmanitan 1 Won 1.7m Heracross 2 Sold 400k
  3. start shrromm
  4. Opening Bid, GMT+0 times
  5. C.O. 2m - Oikawa Min Bid 100k Insta 3m Length - 72h from first Bid Ends - 22:50 9/12/2020 GMT+0
  6. Slowking 1 Won by Norex 1m
  7. Clefable 20 Sold 450k Excadrill 1 Sold 850k Ferrothorn 1 Sold 1.4m Mimikyu 1 Sold 500k
  8. I can't spend any time logged in today, if you need to trade today, please add me on discord @Allsmell#8974
  9. Think I've already won this was over yesterday no? Add me on discord @Allsmell#8974 to make trading easier
  10. Darmanitan 1 Started 1.7m by D4gger Current Auctions Darmanitan 1 S.O. 1.7m Insta 2.2m C.O. 1.7m - D4gger Ends - 13:07 07/12/2020 GMT+0 Slowking 1 (H.A) S.O. 1m Insta 1.4m C.O. 1m - Norex Ends - 14:57 6/12/2020 GMT+0 Sharpedo 1 (H.A) S.O. 800k Insta 1m C.O. 800k - D4gger Ends - 03:39 7/12/2020 GMT+0
  11. Sharpedo 1 Started by D4gger Current Auctions: Sharpedo 1 (H.A) S.O. 800k Insta 1m C.O. 800k - D4gger Ends - 03:39 7/12/2020 GMT+0 Slowking 1 (H.A) S.O. 1m Insta 1.4m C.O. 1m - Norex Ends - 14:57 6/12/2020 GMT+0 Ferrothorn 3 Sold 1m
  12. Slowking 1 Started by norex Slowking 1 (H.A) S.O. 1m Insta 1.4m C.O. 1m - Norex Ends - 14:57 6/12/2020 GMT+0 I do not Alakazam 3 Sold 2.2m Weezing 1 Sold 600k Tentacruel 1 Sold 1.4m
  13. I can't help you sorry, Lending trades are disabled. These are pokemon that are for sale.
  14. Shop is finally rebuilt!! Had to delete all previous text/images from the post and change layout in order to not get massive lag when editing the post. Have lost track of how many new pokemon are added. It is definitly over 60, but when I was retaking screenshots I lost track of what was new and what was not. Everything has been repriced again from scratch. Have fun shopping
  15. Valentine Clefable Sold 50k Valentine Clefable Sold 75k Valentine Cleffa Sold 35k Valentine Clefairy Sold 35k Valentine Nidoran Sold 20k Gave away some low tier skins to create PC space also,
  16. The two preview boxes, modeled here by Breloom and Ampharos, used to be 'on click else where on the screen disapear'. After update its now required to click the 'x' in the top right of the box. This was useful because they cover the screen and mostly its not required to have them hang around. I assume this was an unintentional change, The inspect window (as modeled by laserquest) has also changed behavoir, and used to disapear on click, but no longer does
  17. Spawn choice , Headbutts and Item recycler all seem like good ideas If implemented should be for everyone Unless the guild leaders are the theives :0000 While I'm not agaist the idea of a mini-game being on guild Island, it seems abit strange for someone to spend time creating idle(no account gain) content thats not going to be for everyone.
  18. Title, no idea what else to add
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