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Everything posted by Allsmell

  1. OP^ On rereading your rules, I think they arnt very clear, my bad it did end
  2. 250k rhyperior
  3. Ty, had no idea this was a thing
  4. Offers to be addressed to my discord please. This is a nty offer though. Gl
  5. All time references are for the image below I'm GMT+1 Suggestion Make forum posts that are younger than 24h give minute exact timestamps. Current time stamps(within 24h). 'posted 21h ago' 'posted 2h ago' Proposed new time stamps 'posted yesterday at 12:56' 'posted today at 7:56' Or 'posted 21h 00m ago' 'posted 2h 00m ago' Reason -For auctions that are 24h or less and started on first bid. It's impossible to know when exactly they end. -We currently have a strange situation where if a post is between 1 and 24h old we lose information about it(the minutes). Example Here's an auction I just failed to rebid on because I set my alarm for 9:50 assuming wrongly that the auction was going to end at 10. We can now see after 24h has elapsed and the auction is over, the exact end time was 9:30. But it's not possible to see this until after 24h.
  6. Wtb, if you could contact me on discord @Allsmell#8974 that would make trading alot easier.
  7. Wtb, if you could contact me on discord @Allsmell#8974 that would make trading alot easier
  8. Clefable 2 Sold 800k Not yet removed from shop
  9. I'll start all of these
  10. Staraptor 6 Sold 225k
  11. Chansey 3 Sold 1.1m
  12. I'll buy the venu
  13. Tyranitar 3 Sold 600k (1cc+200k
  14. Clone Charmander Sold 250k Clone Bulbasaur Sold 200k
  15. Added Trace Shiny Porgon Added Shiny Scizor to offers only Added PvPable Shiny Tentacruel Added Shiny Kingler Added Shiny Ditto Added Valentine Nidoran M Added Pink Exeggcute
  16. Volcarona 1 Sold 1.2m
  17. Sure thing, I replied to your DM Easiest way to complete a trade is to add me on Discord Allsmell@8974
  18. In principle a countdown clock is a good idea. In reality its stymied by the fact that most auctions start on the 1st bid, and would therefore mean a whole new bidding process that could no longer be driven by posts in the same way. The other option is auctions no longer start after the first bid, I'm agaist this as I think it makes auctions worse. The other bugbear is the 15min rule, which with a count down clock would leave people more confused
  19. Gastrodon 4 Sold 300k Gastrodon 6 Sold 350k
  20. Gastrodon 4 and 6 Started from your post, Both end 22nd of Sept 9:50GMT+1 Double post because I havnt worked out how to use the new forum properly yet, appologies
  21. Because my manipulation of the forums is currently like as good as a rock swimming all Chansey 4 Sold 900k Azumarill 2 Sold 1.1m Conkeldurr Sold 500k
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