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Everything posted by Allsmell

  1. ill start
  2. Just so you know, you havnt uploaded the picture yet
  3. Buy talon
  4. Also your images are abit broken atm
  5. I'll buy the scizor 200k
  6. Shiny arbok sold 40k
  7. Buy porygon
  8. Title. Don't show me no nature's please. Have a good day.
  9. Start nido
  10. What's the ability before mega?
  11. Start 2nd
  12. Easter Exeggcute Sold 40k Easter Exeggcute Sold 40k
  13. Shiny Bellossom Sold 120k Shiny Makuhita Traded for Gengar(250k)
  14. Shiny tentacool sold 50k
  15. Not yet. Here's the link for all pdex data https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/95480-pokedex-available-data-on-pro-owned-seen-evolved-update-the-24th-march-2020/
  16. Suggestion Allow mount switching while surfing Reason If you log out over water and you have a pokémon that knows surf on you, upon loggin you'll be riding the surfed pokémon rather than your mount. Surfed pokémon are slower than mounts, annoying for obvious reasons. Drivel Obviously this would be low priorty, but it would be a nice QoL feature
  17. Sure thing. If you have discord add me, @Allsmell#8974
  18. Valentine Budew Sold 150k
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