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Everything posted by Allsmell

  1. machamp sold 150k
  2. Kingdra sold 1cc
  3. Start/insta lowered
  4. Malamar moveset?
  5. serperior sold 300k
  6. timburr sold 80k
  7. alakazam sold 250k
  8. under game in options If you don't have proof of the time the forum post wins chicken, not that i mind or it matters in this case, just for future gl selling :) nice poke
  9. pelipper sold 700k
  10. pokes added, layout changed, some prices dropped.
  11. Can't tell what this one's price is.
  12. Cc costs 220-250k. Cc=100 coins
  13. Closed see shop Once started will be sold. Auction time explained. Auction will last both 36h from the 1st post and 1h from the last. With 6 bids after start the max auction time is 42h.
  14. Start empoleon 3 (sassy) 200k
  15. On the tool bar This icon
  16. You have done nice pokes. But can you please please please, either put them all in one post or add the pictures to the posts (not as attachments). Current layout is aids for phone reading. Gl selling
  17. Others may also start :)
  18. Auction has been changed to allow you to start. Auction will not start until you confirm as the rules have changed
  19. I too would like to know the price of snore
  20. Only stantler and Farfetch'd left
  21. Beedrill sold 100k
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