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Everything posted by Allsmell

  1. Looks like above for.me.also. need to use enter(return) both before and after pictures to get them line separated. Gl selling
  2. Dunno if we are allowed to bump here. But bumping for exposure.
  3. Beepboob
  4. Auction over. proof of trade to follow
  5. Bump. 3 and abit hours left
  6. Sprite is funny because of April fools. C.o. 600k - Mohit15 Insta - 1m min bid - 50k Auction End - 10:11:28 Tuesday GMT+1 (five minutes will be added from each last bid)
  7. Is this Latin/ none Latin character mix intentional? Anyway nice poke gl selling
  8. Hitmonchan sold
  9. Also wtb this
  10. Wtb both these. 200k total
  11. Start insta lowered again
  12. My time stamps agree with you I shouldn't have read this :)
  13. Think you need to write at the top of your post how long the auctions are. 24h is fine. But for some reason in my head was 48h. Nice pokes gl on the rest
  14. start 500k nape
  15. quagsire sold 140k
  16. well i wtb then :)
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