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Everything posted by Allsmell

  1. Start alakazam hp fire
  2. tyran sold 250k
  3. Buy foongus hp ice insta 1m
  4. Welcome to the PokéRent A Gold PokéRent These Pokes are for RENTING PokéRent has changed price to FREE You must come to me, I always have an account at vermilion with pokémon that can beat any of the E4s My main for actual listed Pokémon can be anywhere Contact Details E4 Help Lance for CC access Hannah for Sinnoh Boss Pokémon Pokedex
  5. Buy medi
  6. Salamance sold 70k+1cc
  7. 03spd Muk sold ingame 200k, no proof because im an idiot :)
  8. Start: 750k Insta: 1m Min bid: 50k Cc=250k Auction time: 48h from first bid and 6h from last(explained below). (5day cap) Once started poke will be sold Fake bidder ect reported as per Auction time explained. The auction will last until whichever is later either 48h from the first bid or 6h from the last valid bid. This means if you make another valid bid you reset the 6h. There is also a 5 day cap on the auction, so it will last for at most 5 days and at the least 2 days. If after the first 48h there is a gap over over 6h between bids the auction ends and whoever bid before the 6h gap wins. Auction is being done this way both to stop sniping and to stop bidders having to reserve money for a week. The longest you'll be holding money is 48h(first bidder) and any bid made after the first 42h will only be holding money for 6h. If this doesn't make sense ask. Ty for visiting :)
  9. Ign: allsmell allsmell1 Discord: allsmell#8974 Pm in-game or hit me up on discord or here. Budget millions
  10. 21spd ninetales sold
  11. 16 spd muk sold
  12. Prices and new pokes added
  13. Heliolisk altara sold
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