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Everything posted by Allsmell

  1. Dragonite sold 350k
  2. Togekiss sold 200k pelipper sold 290k quagsire sold 140k mamoswine sold 210k weezing sold 130k
  3. Start darm tails and shift
  4. Pretend insta is 20m, sorted problem
  5. 220k EA 5-10
  6. Well this lost all definition. Hate how if I use Android resize this forum can't pick the pictures up.
  7. Wtb swampert and feralgator
  8. Closed see shop Teddi = 90k SOLD Stantler = 160K SOLD Careful sent = 40k SOLD Jolly sent = 60k SOLD Far = 80k SOLD Vulpix = 350k SOLD Dede = 800k SOLD (3cc+100k)
  9. 40k Abra 100k sneasel
  10. At 13:51:37 GMT+0 lending trade between allsmell and prosridhar123 on gold. Pokes IDs; 16344881 scizor 15461145 machop For 2 days for 20k. Have no screenies of the trade, but clearly both of us thought it should be a lend. Anyway didn't get the 3rd confirmation on my side. But I definitely entered lend 2 days. This had happened to me before, and I convinced myself if just forgotten. But the pokes were returned and all was well. However I though if this was happening twice. Was worth making a forum bug report over.
  11. Please can we change the text in the chat panel from 'System: Trade Complete' to 'System: Lending Trade Complete' for lending trades. or the same thing in a different manner I feel there are no downsides and there are lots of upsides like a visual confirmation after the fact that it was indeed a lending trade and worry need not ensue. Especially when pokes are worth lots of money. While I'm not a big coder, the 3rd confirmation for lending trades clearly means they are treated differently and this would be a big QoL improvement for me. Ideally I would like a 3rd confirmation stating this is a sale trade or some other such thing, and a way of knowing what pokes we have out on lend. but just the above would make a huge difference
  12. Full Ev's are worth about 35k and lvl100 is worth about 50k, (this doesn't mean if you take trash this value is added). Things that effect price are. Before worrying about the actual individual poke are. Is it PvP meta? (If yes lots more demand) Hunting rarity. (Tier 1-9) Then once you have the poke. Is it the wanted ability? Is the wanted ability h.a? (This is rarer) Does it have a usable nature? And finally are the IVs good? (This just takes abit of time to learn) Are all the IVs over 20? (People will spend more on a worse poke just because all the IVs are over 20, therefore demand is higher) Is it shiny/event? (This area is a separate market to everything else) Ultimately price is set by the buyers. Because if you can't find someone to buy your poke at the price the seller sets it. It's not worth that price. There is no current market price for any type of poke, as all of them are unique. However watching trade chat will give you some idea of rough prices
  13. Charm 20-60k Areo - idk
  14. Pika 20-80k Vulpix 0k
  15. Insta buy, would like 180atk, 160spdef rest hp please. Also I won't be able to pick it up till Monday. If you want to get a mod to force the trade before then. Do it to acc allsmell1 please
  16. Gold server Username : allsmell Poke Id: 24170884 Happiny Really sorry :/ Thanks in advance
  17. I'll offer 100k, since there seems to be no start offer
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