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Everything posted by Allsmell

  1. Rumpa bump
  2. Don't want to be that guy but darkblader12 clearly went insta 1st. Unless they are the same person
  3. Agreed. It's yours. I actually forgot the time, didn't even see your post and thought the current was 650 and was in a hurry ;)
  4. Starmie soldiers
  5. If you posted one min b4 the end, then I'm in time being 1min after. But I think I was late by my computer time. Dunno what forum time is because it takes so long for it to stop saying 37mins ago ect.
  6. Don't think it's a good idea, need cc to keep leaving the game for the dono s to keep comming in. Because this will allow you to pop a mini ms every 12 days for a boss run. it will be 3 days up 9 days down (2 boss cycles is 6 days up 18 down). Currently you can get 15days up 9 days down (2 cycles). Obviously 6days of ms compared to 15 is alot less, and therefore less cc will leave the game also.
  7. Nidoqueen sold 135k
  8. Azumarill sold 1cc+109k
  9. Bumbty bumb
  10. 72h after my post is 11.10am Thursday gmt+0
  11. Presumably tails and shift are mine?
  12. This is pretty amazing. Can I ask what pokes you are syncing while doing this?
  13. Well I'll go 500k, But I'm pretty sure you need a time also
  14. Aienma this needs a finish time
  15. Kingdra sold 350k
  16. Togepi sold 1cc+20k Quagsire sold 100k
  17. Insta esp 2.2m
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