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Everything posted by Allsmell

  1. +1, also please use your paint, :) Xmas one is my favourite
  2. Auction time is up, let me know when you're ready to trade
  3. I'll start
  4. Seismitoad 1 Sold 1m (2cc(370kea)+260k)
  5. Not sure the auction was started.
  6. Pelipper 2 Sold 800k
  7. Any time, effects me not at all :)
  8. Ambipom 1 Sold 1.8m Cloyster Sold 900k
  9. Is it not possible to share some information, but hide the sensitive stuff?
  10. +1 to timer change mabye ability to turn it off in friendly battle, if both players agree? -1 for in this format, I think a better timer would be, every turn is 15 seconds, once you are over that 15seconds then you start to eat into the 5 minute timer. so Start . . . . .Time taken . . . . . . pool left 5:00 Turn 1; . . . 75 Seconds . . . . . pool left 4:00 (60 seconds used, 75-15) Turn 2; . . . 14 Seconds . . . . . pool left 4:00 (turn was under 15 seconds, pool not used) Turn 3; . . . 30 Seconds . . . . . pool left 3:45 (15 seconds used, 30-15) ect
  11. Added Shiny Octillary - With Prices Section Shiny Tyrogue - With Prices Section Changed layout to include an offers only section and explain some rules around that Christmas Sandshrew Sold 20k
  12. trade logs is always a +1 :) Take ss and use discord when giving pokes to people :), it makes it alot smoother
  13. Accuracy and evasion arnt passed by Barton pass. It's a known issue, but since it doesn't effect PvP it's very low priority to fix it
  14. Volcarona 5 Sold 350k
  15. Darmanitan 1 Sold 1.4m
  16. Volcarona 5 Started from your post
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