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Everything posted by Cyanirl

  1. Hey, ive been enjoying Uber tier a lot recently, so i got an idea. What if we get more Uber pokemon during events or w e, and then, when we have enough poke, we get a Uber queue ? So we can finally use Darkrai Genesect and Shaymin Sky I think it could be very cool for people who dont really like the meta and who are kinda bored of it. lmk what u guys think have a good day :))
  2. Yo im selling this so 500k mini bid 100k no insta 2days auction accept cash, cc: 400k, rr: 690k
  3. removed Tyranitar: Sand Stream, Adamant, 31SPD, 28+ATK, 24+other IVs
  4. hey, i appreciate a lot ! But when u look at best streak it still says that Fafouney has the best one.
  5. i buy relaxed gastrodon
  6. removed Metagross: Clear Body, Jolly, 31SPD, 25+other IVs Metagross: Clear Body, Naive, 31SPD, 25+other IVs
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