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Everything posted by Cyanirl

  1. uh well i left help chat and disconnected and logged back and all my channels are gone lmfao and help is back lol
  2. hi, i completed all 4regions, i can also move around / store the first pokemon in my party. The bug happened at the beginning of a pvp game. ty for ur time
  3. Hey, So there is this bug thats up for like a year +, u pick ur lead and then it send the first poke of ur team instead of the mons u picked ? XD happened to me 3 times in 2days :] kinda annoying to lose the game turn 1 cuz of that :] have a great day
  4. ty for ur answer and ur time have a great day
  5. Soat (shop of all time) t’es a ton prime akhi
  6. hi i buy this pm me on discord Cyan#5247
  7. yh im sure that they will all buy a staff mons
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