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Everything posted by Cyanirl

  1. sold breloom and ttar
  2. well if infernape is that good just fking use it, and stop complaining about gren ban
  3. dude that nuts, where can i find an infernape with 377speed and protean ?
  4. wtb arena trap conkeldurr
  5. yo eric im a big fan
  6. sold altaria
  7. wHy bAN gRen ? jUsT MacH pUnCh iT
  8. Eyo im selling my slowking cuz i need money lole. The poke is on gold, buyer have the responsibility to transfer it. S.o. 800k insta 3m mini bid 200k i accept money and iv reroll (700k) 2days auction
  9. Sold weavile Lowered prices
  10. Yo pm on discord Cyan#5247
  11. Sold: Alakazam Azumarill Beedrill Exeggutor alola Crawdaunt Gastrodon Swablu Medicham 4 Clefairy
  12. can u pm me on discord ? Cyan#5247
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