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Everything posted by Cyanirl

  1. Hey, so the pokemons are from "Regenerator" iirc (silver) traded it to my other alt "pog", then i transfered my alt "pog" to gold. And realized the poke are locked. I want the pokemons to be on my main account "Cyanirl". Have a good day / evening !
  2. Hey, i wanted to transfer 3 poke from my alt to another one, but i forgot that i havent finished story on one of these account. Is there any way i could get my mons back ? Kinda lazy to finish hoenn on it The pokemons are on my alt "POG" (on gold) Ty for your time ! Have a great day
  3. well if infernape is that good just fking use it, and stop complaining about gren ban
  4. dude that nuts, where can i find an infernape with 377speed and protean ?
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