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Zeyrion last won the day on August 25 2020

Zeyrion had the most liked content!


About Zeyrion

  • Birthday 06/26/1994

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Zeyrion's Achievements

Junior Trainer

Junior Trainer (3/12)




Community Answers

  1. Fast and Trustworthy +1
  2. Deleted my moltres awhile ago and completely forgot about it when i came back to the game, Any chance of a restore please?
  3. I may of deleted my moltres along time ago and forgot any chance you can recover it please?
  4. Any chance i can get a list of my trade history going back quite awhile im pretty sure im missing alot of mons and have no idea where they went if i sold them or lent them out ect ive been away a long time and would like to chase some of them down
  5. I'll buy the careful muk-alolan for 480k
  6. Priority: Manectric: Timid, Lightning Rod, HP Ice, 31 Speed, 25+ Spatk, Other IV's 20+ Kommo-o: Hasty/Naive, Bulletproof 31 speed, Other IV's 25+ Amoonguss: Sassy, Regenerator 25+ Muk-Alola: Careful, Poison Touch 25+ Other Pokemon Scizor: Adamant, Technician, 28+ Atk 20+ Other IV's Excadrill: Jolly, Mold Breaker, 31 Speed, 20+ Other IV's If you have anything listed above or close feel free to contact me here, ingame or via discord Zeyrion#0026
  7. -1 I'm all for a updated or better reroll system as i hate the current one but this is not the solution at all.
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