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Everything posted by Squad

  1. You want to buy mi epic mamusven ?
  2. bump
  3. Pmed you the prices of hippo and meditite @ diwakar.
  4. Reserved for Ramazan5554 since he was first, if he won't buy it i can sell it to you.
  5. Gonna be online for 2-3 hours
  6. I'll forward it to Teerav or any of the officers. You forgot one question btw, What can you contribute to NoMercy ? Would be great if you could answer that question aswell.
  7. Working like a charm !
  8. You prolly used imgur as a host which don't seem to work on these forums. I suggest to use either Gyazo or tinypic.
  9. Bump
  10. Some prices reduced and some untrained pokes added.
  11. Only 1 spot left
  12. Can be closed.
  13. Name change request ( Silver ) Current username: Change to : Squad
  14. 2 spots left
  15. Only a few spots left
  16. IGN: Bronzor Playtime: 624h PVP rating: 124 Vote for Nature Reroll Ticket: Yes Reason: It's already quite difficult to get legendaries and theres a low chance to get an usable legendary. Rich players with millions can spend a lot of money on rerolls however majority of the game can't afford it and ends up with a useless legendary. Vote for Birth Island: No Reason: Uncalled for if you change the nature reroll.
  17. Mr nice guy over there
  18. Aight you win, i'll pm you once you're online.
  19. 3 hours left
  20. Leading right now, updated the topic.
  21. 1.1m by liperibeirox. 1.2m by Astralmr 1.3m by liperibeirox. 1.4m by Astralmr Insta lowered to 3m.
  22. Started, thx bud
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