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Everything posted by Pelopidas89

  1. Sorry for trouble i found the missing one it was't shown in the 9 locations. have a great day :D
  2. I doing the quest and missing one ghost in the ghoul swamp i checked all 9 locations and still missing one. Thanks for helping
  3. Lucario has been sold?
  4. SERVER TRANSFER Username: haleluya7x Server to charge the money from: gold Main Server to transfer: from gold to silver Name Change Username: haleluya7x New Username: Pelopidas89 Server to change the name from: gold
  5. I can offer 1.2 m for pinsir.
  6. Hello again yeah I made a mistake for saying that their is a problem for move relearner sorry. The problem is with egg move relearner cause I am trying to learn to my wobbuffet the move charm. Thanks for the response again have a great day.
  7. Hello I try to use move relearner and pre evo move tutor but it shows no moves on wobbuffet only i dont know why i tried to relog too. Thanks for the respond!
  8. Okayy i will at vermilion
  9. Text me here when you will be online
  10. i try to sent him friend request but he is not online can u tell me here when he will be online? Thank you
  11. Hello dotarice i may not be able to play the game today i am really busy but please let him know that i will give him extra shinys as gift for my delay. Thank you and please tell me his in game game?
  12. Thanks so much for the response. Have a great day too!
  13. I fought link boss on hard and he had a shiny emboar is this normal?
  14. sorry i sold growlithe :( offer if u r interested in any thanks :D
  15. i have growlithe tentacruell rhyhorn
  16. i want your service pm here when u r online
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